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Q: How was alfred wegener theory accepted?
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Who made fun of Alfred Wegener's Drift Theory?

Alfred wegener's theory of continental drift was not accepted by most of the scientific community in his world.

Name of the scientist that came up with the continental drift hypothesis?

Did you mean Plate Tectonics Theory? - Plate Tectonics Theory is the combination of Continental Drift and Ocean/Sea Floor Spreading. BTW. The scientist who started it is Howard Baker continued by Alfred Wegener.

Who proposed the continental drift theory in the 1900?

Alfred Wegener

Why was Alfred Wegener's theory of continental drift not accepted in his lifetime?

because they didn't have the proper technology to prove it.

How many scientists accept Alfred wegener's continental drift theory?

Alfred Wegener's continental drift theory has subsequently been honed by scientific discoveries to the more all-inclusive plate tectonic theory which is generally accepted by earth scientists.

Why did people agree with Alfred Wegener's theory after he died?

they finally accepted his theory because scientist tested his theory and found the same conclusion which alfred wegner had already said before he died.

Who is Alfred Lothar Wegener?

Alfred Wegener was a meteorologist who introduced the theory of continental drift.

Who had the theory of pangea?

Alfred Wegener

What did Alfred wegener call the supercontinent in his theory?

Alfred wegener call the supercontinent Pangaea (i guess)

What is Alfred Wegener's full name?

Alfred Wegener's full name is "Alfred Lothar Wegener", and he is a German scientist who came up with the theory of Continental Drift.

The continental drift hypothesis was rejected because Alfred wegener could not?

Because Alfred Wegener couldn't specify the mechanism responsible for the movement of the continents, the continental drift hypothesis was rejected. This theory is now accepted science.

What made the scientific community accept wegener's theory years later?

Alfred Wegener was the proponent of the Continental Drift Theory. The scientific community accepted this theory due to the phenomena of paleomagnetism, sea floor spreading and plate tectonics.