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Q: How was the ratification of the constitution overcome between federalists and antifederalists?
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How do anti federalists connect with ideas from the revolution?

They didn't want to let the constitution give the government the rights to overcome everything they had previously fought for.

What are the Anti-federalists' concerns about the Constitution?

The Federalists stressed the weaknesses of the Articles.They argued that the many difficulties facing the Republic could be overcome only by a new government based on the proposed Constitution.

Why did the Federalist favored ratification?

Because they argued that the many difficulties facing the Republic could be overcome only by the creation of the new government based on the Constitution.

What helped the state of new york to overcome it's reluctance and ratify the constitution?

New York ratified the U. S. Constitution, in large part, because of the actions of Alexander Hamilton and other Federalists. Their writings and Hamilton's strategic efforts to delay ratification until after Virginia had done so led to the narrow Federalist victory.

Why did the federalist support ratification of the constitution?

Because the new constitution would give the cenral government more power than it did under the Articles of Confederation, also because the federalist wanted a government wih more power than its states.

Why did some individuals want the Articles replaced?

The federalists wanted to replace the Articles because of their weaknesses. They aregued that the many difficulties facing the Republic could be overcome only by a new government based on the proposed Constitution.

Why did federalist want the constitution to be ratified?

To overcome the colonial power of England, it was necessary to act in unison. United we stand, divided we fall. That was the reason for federalism.

What helped the state New York to overcome its reluctance and ratify the constitution?

The assent of Virginia and of New York was seen as essential to the success of the Constitution.

Which group believed the new republic needed a strong centeral government?

The Anti-federalists or Democrats, opposed to a strong National Government.

What was the federalist position on the adoption of the constitution why did they feel this way?

· The Federalist position on the adoption of the Constitution was the argument of the difficulties facing the Republic which could be overcome only by the new government based on the proposed Constitution.

What was the Anti-Federalists' greatest concern about ratifying the U.S. Constitution?

Generally speaking, anti-Federalists feared that a too powerful central government might conflict with the states ( former colonies ) own constitutions which guaranteed so many freedoms that were held sacred by state politicians, leaders and ordinary citizens. To overcome the fears of the anti-Federalists, James Madison was assigned the task to create a bill of rights that made sure that a too powerful central government would take away their rights. Madison came up with twelve amendments, however the Framers decided to use only ten of them.

WHAT PROblems did Thomas Jefferson have to overcome when deciding to purchase the louisina territory?

contradicting his belief in a strict interpretation of the constitution