

How was the star of david worn?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Actually it was not worn anywhere but placed upon shields during the time of Kind David.

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Did Jews in Lithuania have to wear the star of David?

Yes, it had to be worn in all countries under Nazi occupation.

Why is the Star of David worn?

It's a national, non-religious symbol. Similar to people who were pins that have their countries' flag on them.

Who was the David in the star of david?

The David in the Star or Shield of David is King David from the Tanach (Jewish Bible).

Who did the star of David belong to?

the star of David belonged to king David of the Jews.

What is the difference between Spurs and the star of david?

A Star of David has 6 points! A Star of David has 6 points!

Why is the star the symbol of David?

In Hebrew, the name of the star is 'Magen David' which means David's Shield. It's said that this star was the shape of David's shield, the star itself isn't a symbol of David though.

Which religion is the star of David for?

The star of David is a factor in Judaism.

How old did you have to be to wear the Star of David?

There's no specific time during which a Star of David is worn. It's a non-religious symbol representing the Jewish Nation and people wear the symbol as part of jewelry or graphics on clothing whenever they wish.