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These fish require a stable temperature in their tank for a healthy life; the normal temperatures of a freshwater tank are within the higher 70's and low-mid 80's F. :)

If the temp is low or rising and falls, fish could contract disease and might die if exposed to prolonged lowered temperatures. Cheers,


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15y ago
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14y ago

Yes. Any temperature that does not suit the fish will obviously cause the fish to feel uncomfortable/unwell. If the fish feels unwell then you can expect it to loose colour. Most living things are the same including you and I.

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14y ago

Fish are cold blooded so they rely on the temperature of the water to control their metabolism. Warmer water quicker metabolism and vice-versa. This only works up to a point. Some fish have evolved to operate/survive etc in cool/cold water and others have evolved to live in warm water. Put warm water fish in cold water and they can not survive because their metabolism slows down and eventually stops. If you add cold water fish to warm water their metabolism races and sometimes they can not breath because warm water contains less oxygen than cold water.

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10y ago

The temperature affects the motbolism of the fish if it is used to warm water the fishes motbolism is faster however some fish have evolved to live in cold water so their motabolism is faster in cold water but if you were to put a fish that was used to warm water in cold water they would die.

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