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Most of America was the high and mighty British (at this time they were very high on themselves not to offend any modern Brits) and as a society seems to need something to hate this fell upon the Irish. In this modern day emos seem to be the ones taking the most prejudice back then it was worse for the Irish I have heard from my great grandfather that even up until the early 1900's there were signs in shop windows proclaiming "Irish need not apply" or "Irish not welcome". The Irish had taken on the prejudice and hate which had previously been directed at the blacks. Seeing as they had been freed hate rose more so between white man and white man. While the black skinned man still had just as much hate as before to deal with people became hateful and angry when they were freed and had to direct the energy somewhere so it is always directed at the minority which was the IRISH! I hope I answered your question thoroughly and clearly.


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Well if they dont speak the English language, I am sure they have troubles speaking, also things like education levels (Getting a JOB) and people agianst them....Wars........look it up and do some research. DO SOME WORK YOURSELF :D ! <3 And youll get the best infooomationnn

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Because they were Irish.

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All of that.

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Q: Why were Irish immigrants generally met with more hostility than some other immigrants?
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Most Irish people did not want slavery. The Irish culture teaches a respect for all human beings. Some Irish immigrants fought for the south with the agreement that their entire family could become citizens if one man of the family joined the Confederate Army. (New York and Baltimore did the same to attract Irish immigrants and fill draft quotas). Some Irish immigrants (like some of many other cultures) were attracted to the slave-keeper mentality because of profit motivations or because they wanted to dominate others the way that England had dominated Ireland for centuries. But keep in mind that most Irish immigrants (and most immigrants from other poor lands) did not want slavery.

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I think that immigrants affected the U.S. because without immigrants coming over from other countries, we wouldn't have other nationalities, like Irish people, or Asian people, or whatever kind of people.

What were most immigrants to colonial America after 1713?

Immigrants to America from 1713 until after the American Revolution we Germans, though Scotch-Irish and other groups immigrated, too.

How they Irish arrived?

If you are talking about the first settlers of Ireland, they travelled to Ireland by sea. If you are talking about Irish immigrants going to other parts of the world, they travelled by boats or planes.

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The Americans wouldnt accept Irish men to work in high paying factories because of their religons were different

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Primarily Irish immigrants from the east cost of the US, and Chinese immigrants from the west. There were other ethnic groups who worked on the railroads, but these were the largest groups.

Did immigrants fight in war?

Yes, especially in the North where the Irish and other poor immigrants fought because of the Draft that was instituted in the North. Immigrants really fought on every side, but mostly in the North because the North had a draft.

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Italian and Irish people generally get on very well together.

What problems did the Irish immigrants face in the US?

The Irish faced hatred from the Americans for taking potential jobs and land. They also had to deal with poor living spaces called tenements.

Were immigrants from places other than England welcomed in colonial New York?

Yes, all immigrants were welcomed. There was a large percentage from Germany. Ireland, Scotland, and even a few from Sweden. Later some did find discrimination like the Irish in the 1860's, but the early Irish were the ones who looked down on the new immigrant Irish.