

Best Answer

Probably depended on what kind of slave you were.

The Egyptians used slaves captured in war or bought from foreigners. Contrary to popular belief, the great pyramids were built by free, not slave, labor. The Egyptians did not use slaves in great numbers. The lands were farmed by free peasants who gave the pharaoh a portion of their crops. One historian noted that the peasants were "only a notch above nudity and starvation." All of the slaves captured in war were considered the property of pharaoh and were not sold to private citizens. Although, it is recorded that the pharaohs did give many slaves as gifts to generals or priests.

Pharaohs such as Thutmose III and Rameses II published detailed lists of the type and number of enemies captured during their campaigns into Canaan. Ahmose, a soldier under the Pharaoh Ahmose, founder of the 18th Dynasty, in describing the fall of the Hyksos capital at Avaris reports on the walls of his tomb: "Then Avaris was despoiled. Then I carried off spoil from there: one man, three women, a total of four persons. Then his majesty gave them to me to be slaves" (see Hyksos). Slaves were also obtained throughout the Pharaonic period by expeditions into Nubia. As in other ancient cultures, there was a strong link between military aggression and slavery.

Slavery is also found in the sections of The Bible related to Egypt. Joseph is sold into slavery in Egypt, and after his time, at the beginning of Exodus, all the Hebrews of Egypt have been reduced to slave laborers. Much like the story of Joseph, there are examples of slaves rising to higher social status, even of marrying into native Egyptian families. However, there are many more exmples of slaves being worked until death in Sinai copper mines. As in many later societies, there was a wide variety of slaves: from highly valued house servants and tutors, to skilled artisans, to field laborers (Canaanite "asiatics" are often depicted at the wine press).

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13y ago

There is more recent evidence that the ancient Egyptians did not use slaves to build the pyramids, but citizens that were hired to work. This was more likely the case because they had a very efficient system of agriculture which left workers with many months of idle time between the flooding of the Nile river when they were free to do other activities. The building of the pyramids could then be accomplished with hired labor, rather than slaves, as has been the myth. So I would disagree with the first answer and say that they were treated fairly well in order to undertake and complete such a massive project.

That is totally (right) wrong!

I'm studing ancient Egypt and i watched a video about it.

They get taken from their home and made to build and work against their wishes not to!

Actually he is right. The Egyptians did not use slaves but ordinary people hired to do the work, like contractors. Whichever video source you are using it is very unreliable. By the way, I fixed your punctuation up a little. Well, all of it. And oh yeah by the way, I'm 12.

They built the pyramids with paid people. A movie- wow, what an accurate source!

And, by the way, im 14!

They have found the tombs, graffiti and homes of the pyramid builders, and they were all paid, free men! Don't just believe an inacurate movie!

u tell her girl friend loljkjkjkjk nd yeah it was an honor to work on the pyramids so only a couple slaves worked on them so u should like complain to that movie director person thingy and btw im 11

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13y ago

The Pharaohs were treated like gods because the people believed that they were the son of Re(the Egyptian sun god), and that if they were embbalmed and mummified correctly they would continu to look over them.When they died they embalmed the dead and mummified them.They took out the entestines and put them in jars.Only the heart and brain weren't in jars. They left the heart inside the body because they believed that this is were the soul was located. The brain was as you may know, taken out through the nose.They weren't sure what the brain was for so they just through it away.

the pharaoahs were also treaded as the most important person alive at the time. when they died the whole kingdom was in sorrow.

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