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Smoking is always horrible for your health. If in fact your wisdom teeth have been extracted, they may finally be distanced from the smoke and will not become any yellower, or stained. Do your body a favor, stop smoking as soon as you can. There are excellent drugs to help with your cravings, and your addiction. About 4000 people a year die in America from heroin overdoses, but nearly 400,000 die from smoking related deaths. Many of them die from lung cancer, which I have recently seen take one of my closest friends. You don't want that, trust me.

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yeah, I was told not to smoke for the first 24 hours

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dry sockets

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Q: Can smoking after wisdom teeth pulled effect healing process?
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*shrugs* I don't know, but good q.

Why no smoking after a sore tooth pulled out?

Other cigarette smoke being a proven carcinogen, it also inhibits the cellular healing potential possibily causing prolonged pain, infection and dry sockets.

How long should you wait to smoke a cigerette after getting teeth pulled?

A week or so, when teeth are pulled there is a need for the space to heal up some, smoking prevents it from healing well faster. So I'd suggest waiting awhile or you might have to deal with pain longer

Your toothe was pulled on Wednesday Can you smoke a cigar now?

Yes, the no smoking after a tooth is pulled is a precaution to prevent the now empty socket from bleeding from the sucking action of smoking.

You have just had all 4 wisdom teeth extracted and your question is when will you be able to smoke again?

It is not recommended to smoke, marijuana or tobacco, after having any type of surgery in your mouth that involves having a tooth extracted. After a dentist removes the tooth you will be left with a circular hole in the bone of your jaw, as your body begins to heal itself a small blood clot will form in this hole. The suction from smoking can cause a vacuum effect on the hole where the root was and the newly formed blood clot can become dislodged. This is how dry socket occurs and it is a very painful and slow healing process. You may be tempted to find ways around the suction part of smoking if you are desperate enough. Edibles as well as some creative ideas with straws and gravity bongs might be a safer alternative to a water bong or a joint. However there is some debate as to weather or not THC in your blood stream can effect the healing process. If you do smoke, be sure to keep the extraction point wet and covered with gauze while you smoke to lessen the effect on the area. 48 to 72 hours after the surgery is what most people agree is a safe amount of time to wait before smoking after having a tooth pulled, maybe longer if it is a wisdom tooth that had to be have the gums stitched, or multiple pulled at once. But some cases of dry socket can happen as many as 5 days after a surgery. Good Luck and happy healing.

What will Smoking after having tooth pulled will do?

Smoking after an extraction can lead to dry socket. Dry socket is a very painful condition to have. It's best to wait 48-72 hours after having a tooth pulled to resume smoking, spitting, or drinking via a straw.

Do cuts take longer to heal if you peel the scab?

Yes, peeling off the scab can disrupt the natural healing process, leading to longer healing times and potential scarring. It is best to let the scab fall off on its own to promote proper healing and reduce the risk of infection.

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When getting a normal tooth not a wisdom tooth pulled is it okay to smoke weed?

Yes you can, you only might get an infection. It might hurt but shiv happens, i have done it and it didn't do any thing to me. The reason why you are not supposed to smoke anything after getting a wisdom tooth pulled is because smoking dries out the newly exposed gum area, which is not good for its healing. So it probably is the same for a regular tooth; just wait a few days to a week.

Is it safe to vaporize medical marijuana after a tooth is pulled?

Our sources say that it is safer than smoking it, by far; avoid creating a lot of vacuum in your mouth, which is the primary reason smoking after an extraction is discouraged.