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It would be very hot you would need a air suit that absorbs the heat. Or else you burn up and die

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Q: How would a human live on a comet?
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Could a person live on a comet?

you would burn up and die a horrible death

What is the motto of Comet Group?

Comet Group's motto is 'We live Electricals, We Deal In Your Ideal'.

What happens when a comet strikes earth?

the event would be would explode with the force pof 10000 nuclear weapons an would wipe out human sevilation

How long do comet fish live for?

Assuming you are talking about comet goldfish, the fish should live for a few decades under proper care.

What country was the discover of Halley's comet from?

Depends. Halley didn't discover the comet, mearly recognised it as a periodic comet from data recorded by Petrus Apianus in 1531 (German) and Johannes Kepler in 1607 (also German). Halley (English) predicted when the comet would return but did not live long enough to see it.

What would comets do to the human race?

It depends on the size of the comet. For example if a 9-mile comet's diameter hits earth it would create a huge destruction when the earth's dust totally blocks the sunlight and all the plants would die off, and leads to another Ice Age.

Will you be able to see Encke comet with your eye?

I would say not because of the comet's course and trajectory of the comet you would need a good telescope to see it.

Which planet was thought to be a comet?

That would be Pluto -- and it is not a planet, it is indeed a comet.

What is a speeding ice ball from space called?

That would be a comet.

When was the Second to last time a comet circled the earth?

As far as is known from written records in human history,no comet has ever circled the earth.

How would a human being live on mars?

NO they can't it is to cold to live there

Could it be possible for a human to live under warter with no equipment?

No. It would be impossible for a human to live underwater with no equipment.