

How would you garnish a savory dish in 3 different ways?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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With 1. herbs

2. flowers.

3. sauces

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Q: How would you garnish a savory dish in 3 different ways?
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Why do you need garnish?

You don't need garnish. Garnish is used simply to add color to a dish or to make the dish or plate more appealing and pleasing to the eye.

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Chicken a la Maryland is one dish that is seen with a garnish of bananas. This is typically shallow fried chicken with a cream sauce.

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The meaning garnish in tamil is something (such as parsley) added to a dish for flavor or decoration

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Scotland's national dish is haggis, a savory meat pudding.

Where does garnish for food come from?

Garnishes are usually part of the ingrdients that have gone into the dish. so if there is mint in it a sprig of mint may be used as garnish.

How do you choose a garnish?

First, garnishes should always be edible even if you don't mean it to be eaten. You don't want to serve a plate and then tell people not to eat something on that plate. Next, it should add color to the plate. If your dish is mainly green, parsley wouldn't be an interesting garnish. Also, the garnish ideally should reflect some aspect of the dish. Often people garnish with a sprig of the herb used in the dish. If you really want to go all out, try carving a pretty design out of a vegetable to act as a garnish.

Can garnish mean to put on a separate plate?

No. Garnish means to add to the dish after it is prepared-- like putting on an accessory when your getting dressed to look better!

What is the meaning of garnishes?

There are three main meanings for the word "garnish." Used as a noun, a garnish is an item or substance used to decorate a dish, plate of food, drink, etc. The garnish (decoration) may be edible leaves, seasonings, herbs, even flowers. There are lots of options in choosing a garnish. Garnishes may add flavor or color to a dish. Some garnishes are used to enhance the visual aspect of the plate or dish to make it appear more appealing, while others are used to enhance the flavor. "The garnish on the cake was shaved chocolate curls." or "Which garnish should we use for the plates?" Used as a verb, it is the act of garnishing (decorating or embellishing with savory touches.) "Garnish the mixed drinks with lemon wedges or olives." or "Would you garnish the plates while I prepare the drinks?" There is a third, legal meaning to the word. It means to seize money owing to someone to satisfy his debts. If A owes money to B, and B owes money to C, C can collect the money owing to B from A in satisfaction of the debt owing to C. This is called "garnishing B's debts". If A is B's employer, it is called "garnishing B's wages".

Name something a chef might do to a dish before serving it?

garnish it, taste it, cook it, season it

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