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Go see your doctor as soon as possible, call them right now. It could be a cervical change that can cause vaginal bleeding. Vaginal bleeding can also be a symptom of ectopic (tubal) pregnancy. Another cause for bleeding during pregnancy is a miscarriage although the first two reasons for bleeding are more common, it is still a good idea to contact your doctor. ANSWER GO TO THE HOSPITAL IMMEDIATELY I know this statement was made a while back but for anyone else, the commonest cause of bleeding in mid-late pregnancy is the low lying placenta (placenta previa) A cervical change is possible, an ectopic would present at around six weeks, and you don't always bleed, You would not have a miscarriage at this staGe (only prior to 20 weeks) it would be pre-term labor.

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Q: I'm 26 weeks pregnant with a low laying placenta and started bleeding?
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