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Know you won't stop growing completely but you might not reach the normal size for you.

so NO
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Q: I am 13 yrs old I drink energy drinks at least 1-2 times a week Caffeinated sodas 2-3 times a week And drink coffee a little I am just wondering if i keep this up would i stop growing?
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Related questions

What are coffee alternatives?

Some coffee alternatives are: green tea coke (or other caffeinated drinks) black tea

Are there certain foods that cause heartburn?

Coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol, and citrus fruits and juices such as lemon, limes, and tomato juice. And try to stay away from caffeinated drinks.

What are the best Starbucks drinks for 11 year olds?

Starbucks drinks are not really dangerous; it's just that most of them contain high doses of caffeine. Not every parent wants their kids to drink caffeinated drinks because these drinks are not necessarily good for a growing young person's health. But some Starbucks drinks do not contain much caffeine, or you can get them made with decaffeinated coffee. Many people of all ages like the Frappuccino, which comes in such flavors as caramel, mocha, coffee, and vanilla.

Are caffeinated energy drinks good for your health?

There are no positive effects on your health associated with drinking caffeinated energy drinks. In fact studies have suggested that caffeine in excess is harmful.

What effect do caffeinated drinks have on the kidneys?

Caffeinated drinks are not good for the body. They can wreak havoc on the bladder and kidneys, causing infections and intense pain. They should be consumed as sparingly as possible.

What are the principles of processing drinks juices and coffee?

principles of processing drinks juices and coffee

What are the constants in a science project with caffeine and typing speed?

There are a couple constants, such as the continual growth in which the decaf and the caffeinated drinks differ in results, and the types of caffeinated drink.

How to get rid of sleep?

You cannot permanently get rid of the urge to sleep as you have to sleep at some point. However, drinking strong coffee or other caffeinated drinks can help you to stay awake for a bit longer if you want to delay sleep.

Does cappuccino have caffine?

Yes although it probably doesn't have much caffeine in it. Almost all chocolate contains relatively small amounts of caffeine. (By relatively, I mean in comparison to coffee or caffeinated soft drinks which contain a lot of caffeine.)

Should an 11 year old be drinking coffee?

Many are against the consumption of coffee by young people. However the dose of caffeine available through coffee (on a mg/L basis) is less than that from cola drinks in general and certainly from the super strong cola drinks (e.g Jolt, Red Bull). In addition the volume of cola servings is higher (up to liter at a serving, 10 times that of cup of coffee) which increases the amount of caffeine ingested even further. The preservatives, coloring agents and sugar content of cola drinks is another equally serious concern. All in all coffee is a better choice than colas or other caffeinated soft drinks.

What foods can aggravate gastroesophageal reflux disease?

caffeinated drinks high-fat foods onions

What foods can cause acid reflux?

Foods that induce acid reflux are those that are high in acidity such as: chocolate, coffee, spearmint and peppermint, alcoholic drinks, fruit juices, fatty foods and fried foods, onions, citrus fruits, spicy foods, tomato-based products, caffeinated drinks and chewing gum.