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It is nothing to worry about. As far as I know, there is no treatment for vitiligo, you simply don't have any pigment in that area. I've had it at hand, feet, and groin all my life. No big deal. You can tell your parent if it makes you feel better or just to be reassured that nothing is wrong.

Vitiligo is an inherited disorder of the pigmentation on the body that leaves white patches. Between 1 and 2 % of the worlds population are affected by it. Although it is harmless in itself, research shows people with Vitiligo have a higher chance of contracting Diabetes and Anemia.

There is treatment available for people who have exposed patches because sunlight can burn the areas very quickly. But for areas which are kept under clothing treatment is not normally required.

You most likely have a relative with Vitiligo so you may feel better talking with them about it, otherwise it is not necessary to explain you have it really.

See the Related Link below for more information.

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Q: I am 15 and have vitiligo on my penis. Half is a white and half is normal color. I GImaged this and found my penis looks the same. What should I do other than telling my parent?
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What are the possible phenotypes of the offspring between a parent who is a heterozygous carrier for cystic fibrosis and a homozygous normal parent?

The chances are one half. You will most likley have 2 children without the gene, and 2 with one gene. Since the normal parent has the dominate allele, the Cystic Fiborisis will not be present.

Is it true that new organisms formed from a sexual reproduction will not actually be like a parent?

In sexual reproduction, organisms with a nucleus containing DNA take half their DNA from one parent and half their DNA from the other parent. Some of the DNA even gets mixed up in the process. The DNA provides the instructions telling the organism how to grow and develop. Since the DNA in the new organism is not like that of either parent, the new organism will not be like either parent.

How do you identify the genotype?

normal sexual cross pollination - each parent plant contributes traits from its genotype (which are expressed as the phenotype)

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Can a parent with type A positive and a parent with O positive have a child with AB negative?

No. The A parent could be AA or AO and the rh factor could be ++ or +-. The O parent can only be OO and the rh factor could be ++ or +- They could produce an rh negative child if both parents are +- (heterozyous). Since neither parent has the B blood group it cannot be passed to their offspring. (Rarely, a parent could be a chimera and in this instance an abberant child could result from a mating between parents that appear totally normal...the operative phrase here is "Rarely!").

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Is vitiligo hereditary?

Vitiligo Vitiligo is a pigmentation disorder in the human skin. The human skin contains special skin cells (melanocytes) that produce the pigment melanin which colors the skin. Vitiligo is not contagious or infectious skin condition. The precise cause of vitiligo is complex and not fully understood, but there is some evidence suggesting it is caused by a combination of auto-immune, genetic, and environmental factors.Auto-Immunity Of all that we know about causes of vitiligo, auto-immunity is one of the best understood factors.InheritanceVitiligo is certainly more common in the blood relations of an affected individual. It is however clear that the inheritance in vitiligo is not simple, and it currently is not possible to predict the probability of vitiligo in the offspring of an affected would be parent.

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