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The only thing you can do-wait.

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Q: I am four days late on my period. What should I do?
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What causes your period to be four days late?


Can stress cause your period to come four days late?

Yes it can. Four days is not very much.

You spotted for 5 days Period 3 days late?

You should go see your doctor.

Period is four days late then you have a dark coloured discharge for two days followed by a really light flow period dark in colour just a late period or something else no stress or anything to cause?

You might be pregnant - take a test

Your period started four days late but very light could it be pregnancy?

No, it is not pregnancy, it has happened to me, its nothing.

Is it normal to be 10 days late for your period?

yes its normal .. but if your period is late more than 20-30days then u should see a doctor..

How many days can you be late before getting your period and not be pregnant?

You can be up to two weeks late and not be pregnant but to be safe you should take a pregnancy test after you are seven days late.

I'm 16 and I my period is late for more than 50 days. I'm still a virgin. Its common to have your period missed. But late for 50 days is long. Should I go and see a doctor?


First day of period august 2 had unprotected sex on august 21 period four days late?

Give it a couple of more days, then take a test. You were really asking for it.

Period was four days late arrived light but you have been feeling really sick and tired for a couple of weeks why?

It is possible that you could have mistaken your period for implantation bleeding. You should probably consider taking a pregnacny test.

Should you consider yourself late if you haven't had a period in 36 days?

Well, it depends on how old you are. If it is your first year having your period it can be uneven and so that would be ok, but if you know that you are on a schedule for your period then yes, 36 days would be considered late.

Can pregnancy detected if you have 4 days missed period?

Usually four days late is enough time to get a positive test. If the test is negative and your period doesn't start, retest in one week.