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Q: I am having database at the backend containing table of username and psw'snd i have riten a login page in jspnow wen i login usin that jsp page it must redirect to the nxt pge if psw is ritegime code?
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What is an oracle account?

Oracle is the name of a database, I would guess it is an account (username/password) on that database.

How do you connect mysql database with php program?

You can do that using the mysql_connect() function. For example: <?php $host='localhost'; //Your Host Name Here $username='root'; //MySQL Username $pass='';//MySQL Password $dbname='codenair'; //your Database Name //Connecting Database mysql_connect($host,$username,$pass)or die('Failed to Connect'); //Selecting Database mysql_select_db($dbname)or die('Database Not Found'); echo 'Connected'; ?>

What is the username for gale database?

The username for accessing Gale databases typically depends on the institution or library that provides access. It is usually provided by the institution and may involve using your institution's credentials or a special username issued for accessing the database.

How do you create login and registration forms using PHP and MySQL?

A very simple formCreate a registration formAdd client side validation onsubmit eventAdd database connection, create new database & table with columnsAdd server side validation for the data which is sent by client to serverAdd insert statements to insert form data to mysql (make sure to apply encryption to password)On success, redirect to login formUse the where clause to find if username & password from login form exists in databaseIf successful redirect to main page else notify userAdd username to session variablesSee the Related Links section below for video tutorial on this subject

Where is the Windows XP file containing your username stored?

In the SAM file.

What is the username and password for Oracle 9i?

You need to ask the DBA (Database Administrator) for that information.

How do you run a MySQL query from PHP file?

Here is a simple script that you can do to run a MySQL query after you have set a database up. <?php // Database Settings $db['hostname'] = "localhost"; $db['username'] = "<db username>"; $db['password'] = "<db password>"; $db['database'] = "<db name>"; // Connect to MySQL $connect = mysql_connect($db['hostname'], $db['username'], $db['password']); // Select Database mysql_select_db($db['database'], $connect); // Do MySQL Query mysql_query("INSERT INTO table_name SET field_name = '1234567890'"); // Close MySQL mysql_close($connect); ?> Obviously you will need to use your own MySQL settings and database details, but this gives you a general overview of how you can do it.

How do you retrieve username and password from sql database to HTML web page?

You would need to use PHP

How are the simple coding of php with database?

Working with mySQL databases: <?php // Connects to the database mysql_connect(servername,username,password); // Inserts into a database mysql_query(INSERT INTO table(cat1, cat2, cat3) VALUES(one,two,three)); ?>

How can i make a logging program and attach a database to it that when i insert a username and pass it goes on the database?

First create a form:Now create a page called login.php. The "name" field in the input is what goes to $_POST so the input named username is $_POST['username']. The value of the input is what the $_POST is.

What object must be created first when creating a database file?

To use the module, we need to create a connection object that represents the database, it needs to have a username, password, and host. Here are the steps to create a database: open Microsoft access, create a new database, save the file, and browse the new database menu.

How do you get data from a MySQL database with PHP according to a method id?

For example if we have database named "users", and we need user information from table "user_info", which has next parameters: 'userId', 'userName','Name','Age'. $sel = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users.user_info WHERE userId='$methodId'"); $ar = mysql_fetch_array($sel); echo " User Id is:".$ar['userId'].", UserName: ".$ar['userName'].", Name: ".$ar['Name'].", Age: ".$ar['Age']." ";