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You should probably go to your local drug store and buy a first response pregnancy test (it lets you know if you're pregnant five days before your period). But I strongly suggest NOT getting an abortion. There's always adoption.

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Q: I am not sure if i am pregnant but i feel nausus every morning and i cant get rid of the feeling i should be getting my period in about a week i need to know the symptoms how much for an abortion?
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You are getting headaches heartburn flaky nipples light headed feeling dizzy gettng white dischrge are your pregnant with all these symptoms?

You don't have to be pregnant with all of these symptoms, I have these symptoms a lot and I am not pregnant. It's very normal for me but I have some other problems. Consult your doctor if you think your pregnant.

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I had exactly the same thing as you. The reasons for feeling pregnant is caused by your hormones. Even is the fetus is no longer alive but you havent miscarried you can still feel pregnant

If iam getting my period but am getting prenancy symptoms does that mean am pregnant?

No, that is a symtom of your period. I know it is wierd. Pregancy symptoms are period symptoms :)

Can you get symptoms of pregnancy when your really not?

Yes you can. If you get it into your head that you think you're pregnant then you feel like you're getting the symptoms... Several times I've had a very late period and i convinced myself i was pregnant; feeling sick etc until i took a test. It came out negative and as soon as i'd seen that result i no longer had symptoms!

Can a sign of pregnancy be the feeling of getting period?

Yes, the symptoms are similar.

You're too young to be pregnant and you cant tell my mom how can you kill the baby inside of you?

By getting an abortion.

Is getting a cold one of the symptoms of being pregnant?

No getting a cold is not the sign of pregnancy.

What happens to the fetus of a woman who aborts pregnancy and gets pregnant again without waiting for her next menstruation?

There is no special risk from getting pregnant immediately after an abortion.

When a women is pregnant for two months what should she do to prevent the baby from getting born?

She should see a doctor, a OB/GYN to have an abortion.

How soon can you have symptoms of pregnancy?

As soon as you get pregnant. I started getting symptoms when i was a month I was always sick i guess it really depends on the person.

Can you be pregnant if it's been four weeks and you got all the symptoms but just got your period?

One of the symptoms of pregnancy is not getting your period.

Is a woman in danger after 4 miscarraiges?

She is not in danger after 4 abortions as long as they have been done by a licensed abortion doctor and whether she is in danger of getting pregnant or being pregnant after having miscarriages depends on why she have the miscarriages.