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I luv puppies but my mum wont let me get one.. i have found a lot of helpful hints and i am hoping they work. here they are..

it will make me more responsible, It will make me smile everyday,you're never home so it'll give me company

Telling them I'm responsible and I will make sure they don't have to do anything for it.

first you have to show them that you are responsible which actually you do sound responsible so now before telling them can I have a puppy, show them that you can take care of a puppy so go out and find a puppy to babysit for a day or 2 than they'll see that you are responsible.

If you want someone who will bring you the paper without

first tearing it apart to remove the sports section

Buy a dog.

If you want someone willing to make a fool of himself simply over the joy of seeing you

Buy a dog.

If you want someone who will eat whatever you put in front of him and

never says its not quite as good as his mother made it

Buy a dog.

If you want someone always willing to go out, at any hour, for as long and wherever you want

Buy a dog.

If you want someone who will never touch the remote, doesn't give a damn about football,

and can sit next to you as you watch Romantic Movies

Buy a dog.

If you want someone who is content to get up on your bed just to warm your feet

and whom you can push off if he snores

Buy a dog.

If you want someone who never criticizes what you do, doesn't care if you are pretty or ugly,

fat or thin, young or old, who acts as if every word you say is especially worthy of listening to,

and loves you unconditionally, perpetually

Buy a dog.

But, on the other hand, If you want someone who will never come when you call, ignores you totally when you

come home, leaves hair all over the place, walks all over you, runs around all night and only comes home to eat

and sleep, and acts as if your entire existence is solely to ensure his happiness.

Then my friend,

Buy a cat!

But if you buy a dog and love it and care for it

you will end up with a very happy !!! PUPPY !!!

tell her the good reasons and bad reasons to get one and don't bother her for 1 WHOLE week or get someone else to!


1. TRUE. Eating certain houseplants, such as aloe vera and ivy, can make your puppy very ill. Even seemingly safe things such as apricot and peach pits, as well as spinach and tomato vines, can kill your puppy if eaten in large doses.

2. FALSE. Aside from being a very bad habit that should be avoided early on, some toilet chemicals can be very harmful if ingested.

3. FALSE. Chocolates should never be left unattended. Just half an ounce of chocolate per pound of your dog's body weight can cause major pancreatic problems for your puppy.

4. FALSE. Choosing to get a puppy is a large commitment that will require some major changes in your home to avoid unnecessary accidents.

5. TRUE. As a general rule, any product that's safe enough for a baby should be safe enough for a puppy. Using a baby shampoo may not help with fleas and ticks, but it sure will make your puppy smell wonderful.

6. FALSE. Leaving snacks around the house is a good way to get off to a bad start. Similar to raising children, developing good eating habits early on will lead to good eating habits in adulthood. Your puppy's digestive system cannot handle people food, which is often too rich and high in fat.

7. TRUE. Strangely enough, puppies, dogs and cats find antifreeze to have an attractive taste and smell. Many puppies and dogs have access to their owner's garage, where harmful chemicals such as antifreeze are stored, so make sure these kinds of chemicals are well out of reach for your puppy.

8. FALSE. Many people underestimate the size and doggedness of a determined puppy. Before you bring your pup home or let her play in the yard alone, take a walk around your fence and make sure there are no large gaps or holes your puppy can squeeze through.

9. FALSE. Crates are a very humane way to confine a problematic puppy to a safe area. They come in all sizes, ensuring a cozy getaway for even the largest of rambunctious puppies. Some vets even suggest using crates as a way of training your puppy to only stay in certain areas of your home.

10. FALSE. Giving your dog designated chew toys is actually a good way to avoid having your carpet, couches, pillows and other household items munched on. A readily available chew toy will be her preference and will keep her away from expensive household items.




The top five reasons to consider a dog as a pet include:

• Loyalty. There are few creatures canine or otherwise that are as loyal as a good dog. These animals will give their undying affection to their owner for very little in return. A little food, water and a scratch or two behind the ear is generally all it takes to start forging a bond that will last a life time. It takes very little effort to gain a dog's loyalty.

• Companionship. Along with loyalty comes a level of companionship that is unmatchable. A good dog that has been properly trained will go to the ends of earth and back with its owner. Some dogs simply like to go along for the ride, others like to run the rat race along with their owners. How much or how little companionship takes place will be up to the owner generally -- the dog typically will take as much as it can get!

• Unconditional love. Most dogs will love their owners no matter what they do or what they say. Even a misguided harsh word will have very little impact on a dog five minutes later. They are very quick to forgive and they don't seem to care how rich, how poor or how successful a person is. All they care about is pleasing their owners and getting a little love in return. If only most humans were as easy to get along with, the world would be a much nicer place.

• Protection. Even the smallest of dogs will go out of their way to protect their owners. Providing an early warning system for company, unwanted or not, and even a little brute force on occasion, dogs can be wonderful for ensuring a safe home. In fact, in many cases a dog's bark is more successful at warding off burglars than an alarm system.

• Joy. The simple fact of the matter is that dogs can bring a lot of joy into their owner's lives. There is something incredible about coming home after a long, hard day to a wagging tail and a happy face.

Dog ownership isn't for everyone. It does take commitment and a sense of responsibility, but the fact is for those who can handle this, the rewards can be amazing. Many people say they had never felt a love as pure and genuine before they owned a dog.

When you do get your new pup, or if you want to treat your existing pooch to some human-style comforts, splurge a little with an upscale dog bed, an elevated dog feeder, or an airline approved dog carrier!

- They are so fun to play with, that you will not have any time to bored and lonely ever again. No matter what career you have, no matter how hectic your schedule is, not matter how preoccupied you may be, there will always come a tie in your life where you will get bored and start to feel lonely. These will be the times when your friends are already preoccupied and your family is temporarily unavailable, yet your puppy will always be there for you. Never will you have to go the bars or clubs again to find yourself some company, you will have all then friendship you could ask for right in your own home.

- You will have constant protection from one of the most trusted animals on the face of this planet. It's a known fact that dogs are faithful, loyal, and trustworthy and will never leave your side. For years people have relied on dogs for keeping them safe and sure enough they were never let down. With great senses that humans could only dream about, a dog will always be there, at your side to keep you safe, day and night.

- You will always have someone to cheer you up even when you are sad over silly things. How many times have you wanted to be swallowed by the earth for something so silly and childish that even your own family members didn't pay attention? A puppy will never let you down and will always be there to give you an affectionate lick and wag of the tail to get a smile back onto your face. And, a puppy will never tell on how you were acting so childish a few minutes ago!

- The kids will absolutely love having company, that you know is trustworthy and not getting into any trouble. Don't you feel that you would love your kids to have close friends but are afraid that they may join bad company and in turn get into trouble themselves? Well, with a puppy, you will never have to worry about your kids doing the wrong things again, except of course making a royal mess with their best o'le pal!

- Raising and caring for a puppy will teach you the greatest value you could ever learn in life, love. When you are raising a puppy into an adult dog, there will be a special bond that will develop between you and your pup. Some people even say it's kind of like raising your own child. What I can certainly say is that it will teach you the meaning of loving and being loved. From a tiny puppy, to a full-grown dog, you will always have that special bond between you ad your best friend.

1. I will learn to be responsible

2. I will clean up after it and teach it tricks, and train it.

3. I won't play Video Games as much because I will be busy with the dog (your parents

will like this one)

4. I would stop nagging on you and telling you that I am bored.

5. (If it's your birthday, and you really want a dog say) the only thing I want for my birthday is a dog, no presents no party only a dog.

6. (If you have money and you really want a dog say) I will pay for some of the price.

7. 7. I will have something to love.

8. (Don't remind them or say I will toilet clean it because, they will remember that it can go to the bathroom

in the house, and make a mess)

9. (If you really want a dog say) I will do chores in the house without getting an allowance.

10. (Final step) sit down on your knees and say, may I please please please get a dog.

try: Ask your friend if you can take care of their dog. Your parents will SEE how responsible you are and MIGHT buy you a dog. If this does not work for you then if you are patient then get a dog when you move out.

It is a good idea that you can show them how responsible you are at taking care of your own things first. You don't have to own your own dog to convince them. Ask if you can take care of a family or friends dog, making sure to mention if it's in your home or theirs. If they allow it in your house then it means they trust you, so live up to their expectations. I have owned hamsters and now allowed no pets. So like you I have to wait for more pets. Good luck.

prove to them that you can look look after a dog that you'll feed it ,bath it and take it for walks and you maybe might change their mind good luck!

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Q: I am trying to convince my parents to let me get a maltipoo dog bottom line i need all of the information you can get on a maltipoo dog thank you so much?
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