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Its normal......this mainly depends on the amount of milk your baby drinks. At what intervals do you feed your baby?

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Q: I have never had a let down with breast milk is this normal and my baby is 3 and a half weeks old and i never leak.?
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Is it normal to breast feed your baby?

Yes, it is perfectly normal and healthy.

I'm 16 weeks pregnant and i have never felt my baby kick. is this normal?

I think its perfectly normal, im 19 weeks pregnant and was panicking because i hadnt felt the baby move yet, but about two nights ago it did move. I also heard that it can take up to 26 weeks until you feel your baby move, so dont panic yet.

What are the advantages of breast feeding?

the advantages of breast feeding are that if you brest feed your baby it is most likely your baby will be stronger than if you use normal milk.

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Yes it is normal

When does the mothers milk disappear?

A few weeks after one stops breast feeding the baby.

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Talk to your doctor. Normal term pregnancy is 37-42 weeks.

Im still lactating after a year and a half is that normal?

If the baby's still breast-feeding, yes. You'll keep lactating as long as the baby feeds. Its the sucking action of the baby that stimulates milk production in the breast.

Would it be normal if you have milk like substance coming out of your breast?

yes if your pregnant or just had a baby

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Yes it is normal it might mean that your baby will be a fast grower.

Is it normal for a women to have a baby 3 weeks early?

Yes, many women have their babies 3 weeks early

You 4 weeks pregnant you have discharge with a smudge of red is this normal?

no it is not the baby can die

What does breast milk supply that normal milk doesn't?

Antibodies - to help the baby fight off infections.