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It depends on what qualifications "they" have.

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Q: I think I am bipolar I suffer from frequent mood swings some full of overwhelming happiness to sadness and moods of anger for no reason at all yet they say I'm adhd with symptoms of ptsd are they righ?
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What are the symptoms for children with bipolar?

what are the symptoms in children with bipolar

What are symptoms for bipolar illness?

People that suffer with Bipolar disease often snap at little things. They can be happy one minute and screaming the other. It is an on or off switch. Often there are feelings of happiness followed by feelings of sadness.

What does it mean when somebody calls you bipolar?

Being bipolar means that you have extreme mood swings between depression and happiness.

What are the common symptoms of bipolar disorder?

Common symptoms of the bipolar disorder are mania, depression and the switch between both of them. Some people have frequent mood disruptions while others experience only a few over a lifetime.

What symptoms does a manic bipolar person have?

As with all mental illnesses, the symptoms of bipolar mania can vary from person to person. Some common symptoms of mania include high energy, sleeplessness, and euphoria.

What is opposite of bipolar disorder?

Bipolar depression refers to frequent mood changes between depression and mania, the focal point of Unipolar depression is the negative emotions and feelings that an affected individual experiences. The unipolar indicates that the depression does not alter between the two mood states.

What are the symptoms on bipolar childrens?

Symptoms of bipolar are different for every child. One can be abusive, angry and have many different outburst and other can be quiet with suicidal tendencies.

What are some symptoms of Bipolar disorder?

Some of the possible symptoms of bipolar disorders include a really good mood that changes to bad quickly, difficulty to concentrate and increased "pleasure behaviours." Activities such as sex, shopping or drug abuse are some of the things that people with Bipolar disorder do in excess. Bipolar disorder symptoms are sometimes similar to depression as the two are closely linked.

Where can one find information on bipolar disorder symptoms?

There are a wide range of sites that provide information regarding medical conditions such as bipolar disorder symptoms. The most trusted sites for information regarding the symptoms of bipolar disorder would be medical sites such as the Mayo Clinic site and the WebMD site.

What are the symptoms of bipolar i?

There are many different types and symptoms of Bipolar Disorder. The biggest symptom that people tend to notice are the unpredictable mood swings, that can range anywhere from mild to severe.

Bipolar Disorder: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment of Manic ... Bipolar Disorder: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment of Manic ...?

Bipolar disorder is a serious disorder that should be treated immediately after it has been found. There are medical treatments depending on how extensive the disorder has become.

Can bipolar people have schizophrenic symptoms?

Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia have some symptoms that are quite similar. The main difference between these two is that schizophrenia's characterized by hallucinations and delusions while bipolar disorder is mainly manic behavior followed by periods of depression. Typically, bipolar behaviors are fairly distinguishable from schizophrenia, but there are some rare cases of schizo-affective disorder which is a combination of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder where there is a mood component accompanied by schizophrenia. In short, bipolar symptoms can be somewhat similar to schizophrenic symptoms, but unless the individual has schizo-affective disorder the symptoms won't be identical enough to confuse the two disorders with one another.