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If you are a female you may not grow much more. You are probably at your full height and natural adult weight. If you are male, you may grow for another 3 years or so. You can probably bulk up with exercise etc. Ask your parents, cousins etc when they stopped growing. It often runs in families. technically, humans can continue to grow until they are 24 years of age. (i personally went from 6'0" to 6'2" when i was 19)

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You will grow to what your genetic predispostion is set for, assuming there is no other issue. At 13, you are still approaching or in puberty. Wait a few more years and see. It is better to work with what you have, than worry about what you wanted.

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Q: You want to grow taller im a male and 13 years old im 5.1 in height will you grow any more your dad is 5.5 and mom is 5.1 you dont do drugs smoking or drink alchol you would like to grow six foot?
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