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The three main areas of the brain are the cerebrum, cerebellum, and the medulla oblongata.

The most largest and prominent area is the cerebrum, which is responsible for consciousness. It is found at the front of the brain and the outer layer of it is the cerebral cortex. It divides into two halves and each half is divided into four lobes: frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital.

Note: the two halves of the brain can communicate with each other through the corpus callosum.

The second largest portion of the brain is the cerebellum. It has a bi-lobed, butterfly-shaped structure and works to coordinate muscle movement in order to have smooth and graceful actions. Also, it is responsible for maintaining normal muscle tone and posture by receiving information from the inner ear; therefore, keeps or restores balance.

The third area of the brain is the medulla oblongata, which is close to the spinal cord. It contains centres for heartbeat, breathing, blood pressure and reflex centres for vomiting, coughing, sneezing, hiccupping and swallowing.

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According to Freud, the 3 drives of the brain/mind were the Id, Ego, and Superego.

The Id was defined as our unconscious urges, usually violent, aggressive, and sexual in nature. this is the force that is only concerned with instant gratification doing what feels best at the moment

the ego is the only part we are aware of, it is the balancing act between the Id and superego that makes the conscious decisions in life. it pushes to satisfy the unconscious id in realistic ways that do not bring harm to the individual

the superego is comprised of the individual's ideas of perfection and self actualization. it houses what makes us feel guilty when we do something we find morally acceptable. also includes spiritual goals and ideals of the individual

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What is tripertite personality?

Tripartite personality is a theory that Sigmund Freud thought of. Freud thought the human pschye had three parts to it, hence the name tripartite. These parts are called the id, ego, and superego.

What are the 4 parts of the brain?

The Brain parts and function is,THE HINDBRAIN, Having evolved hundreds of millions of years ago, the Hindbrain or the Reptillian Brain is the oldest part of the human brain. As you might guess from it's name, it's a piece of brain anatomy that we share with reptiles and is the most primitive. Likewise it's in charge of our primal instincts and most basic functions. Things like the instincts of survival, dominance, mating and the basic functions of respiration, heartbeat all come from this area of the brain. Located in the Hindbrain are. THE SPINAL CORD This is the infomation superhighway of the body. It carries information up to the brain and instructions back down. THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA Helps control the body's autonomic functions (things you don't need to think about to perform) like respiration, digestion and heart rate. Also acts as a relay station for nerve signals going to/from the brain. THE PONS Has roles in your level of arousal or conciousness and sleep. Relays sensory information to/from the brain. Also involved in controlling autonomic body functions.

What is the name of the organ that sending the messages to the brain?

that i know the answe my answer is glossopharyngeal

What is the name of the band of fibers connecting the left and right hemispheres of the brain?

The corpus callosum is the band of fibers that connect the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

Name another word for a person's brain?

Mind Cerebrum Intellect Thinking cap Gray matter Noggin Noodle

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