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neither.....unless you have a dirty mother or father and one goes and sticks the other for child support......but that would be stupid of course.....the judge would reject your request any neither parent would pay child suport.....

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Q: If Mom and dad of a child live together who has to pay child support?
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Do kids have a say if they want child support or not?

In addition Im 18, my brother's 17 and my sister's 15. we lived with our dad for 12 years and my mom paid child support for that time. Now my dad moved away because my mom was getting to him ( not gonna go in detail). we live with our mom now, and she is seeking child support from my dad, i DO NOT want that. Do we have a say in any of this ?

Who gets the child support mom or child at age 18?

Mom. But don't pay child support directly to the parent - send it to the court or the State disbursement unit.

Can a mother sign documents to not get child support?

In depends on the state. In some states, the custodial parent can voluntarily decline to receive child support. In other states, the non-custodial parent is legally required to pay child support, whether or not the custodial parent accepts it.

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Is there a statute of limitations on going after child support mom never asked for child support now i am 32yrs old and mom wants dad to pay child support now. even thought told her not to. confused?

no yes when you turn 18

If a 15 year old wants to live with his dad does the mom have to pay child support?

only your judge can say (if it's a divorce) but probably not.

If mom agrees dad does not have to pay child support will the court agree. The child will live with dad.?

Yes, you need only see a Certified Mediator to put together the agreement, followed by registering it with the Clerk of the Court. A court date is set to confirm the agreement. see links below

What can you do if your baby's mom is living with you and you're paying her child support?

Child support is to provide for children not living with you, it would be assumed if you are living with your child that you are supporting them - take it up with your local child support board.

If the father live with the mom and the child do he still have to pay support in mi?

If an order is still in place, yes, even in Michigan. see links below

Should you still be paying the mom child support when child lives with grandmother shouldn't mom have to pay too?

The answer to both of your questions is yes.

Will your child's step-mom have to pay child support if father is unemployed in Illinois?

No, and he should get a modification

Who intiates child support from the father?

Mom does. Go to family court.