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Since telling lies is a typical charactistic of Narcissism, lying is something they do like breathing is to you and me. It is part of their life but,it is part of the sickness, something they do even about the most insiginificant things. Whether they believe their lies or not, even when they conflict with previous tales, is not an issue at all for the narcissist. The narcissist only wants others to believe them. If you believe what you are told, the narcissist is happy and you are giving him/her the narcissistic supply needed. If you confront the narcissist with the lie, and don't believe it,you are removed from their world of "supply." They cut you off. They devalue you. They exclude you, or retaliate, or get revenge. But they do not care that you did not believe them with any feeling of REMORSE at all for lying. The lies are told to influence, or entice, or impress you in some way, or to worm out of something they do not want to admit to, to hide behind, or blame someone else. If the lie does notwork, don't think they even care if they believe the version of the story.They probably won't even remember it. They just move on. The narcissist has no concern abouttruth being important as you do. None. Truth is something they have no reverence for, nor do they feel thatto be honorable they mustbe truthful. They do not believe anyone tells the truth, rather they figure that everyone lies, (yes, even you)and so they have no honor for their own word. Lies are only words to themthat are said to sound good at the time...and truth is not an issue. They only care aboutYOUR reaction - whether it is belief/disbelief and that is what they are testing. Remember lying to a narcissistis onlyan instrument to judge you and see how worthy you are or can be to them...and it is onlyimportant to them because they need what supply you can provide by believing, trusting, or being impressed. Who knows? Why would you care what a narcissist is saying? You know that every time he opens his mouth it's a lie so if he says anything, what difference should it be? Yes they do and it's called "embellishing the story to get their peers attention" and making the story sound far more intriguing than it actually ever was so they can feel important within themselves. It's one of the traits of a narcissist. They lie so much and aren't really as bright as they would have you believe. They forget from one lie to the next what they said so who knows, and who cares. Nothing they say bad or good is worth listening to because its all trash of the worst kind. Here we go again labeling people without a professional assessment! One minute this person is a Narcissist yet it appears we're talking about a compulsive liar. Narcissistic traits are more about ego, not quite lying, but twisting the truth a little, and certainly a Narcissist has selfish behavior. Compulsive liars are well aware they are, lie because they have no ego and no confidence in their demeanor (unlike the Narcissist). unfortunately nottoo many victims of Narcissists have the luxury of having a formal diagnoses made. But one thing is for sure, though not every liar is a narcisssit, you can bet every narcissist lies.

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Q: If a Narcissist says one thing one day then keeps twisting the story do they believe their version every time they change it?
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