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First, it should be understood that until court ordered, single fathers have no parental rights. Financial responsibility and parental rights are not linked until he has applied to the court for permission to see his child(ren). What the father is doing is motioning the court to be released from current and future financial obligations, along giving up the right to "petition" the court for parental rights. see related links

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Q: If a man wants to sign over his rights can he in Kentucky without paying child support?
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In Kentucky what is the law on signing your rights away and not paying child support?

You can sign your rights away but you will still have to pay child support if you are the father or mother of the child. There is no way to avoid paying child support.

Is a father's rights terminated if he pays child support?

Paying child support will not cause the father to lose his parental rights - neither will not paying child support.

Can a man in Texas give up his rights and stop paying support if there is no adoption in volved?

It's possible to give up his rights but he will not get out of paying child support.

What rights does a non custodial parent have for visitation before going to child support court in Kentucky?

Support and visitation are separate matters. You can be ordered to pay without having any rights. see links below

Can i get out of paying child support if i give up my rights to the child in west Virginia?

No, giving up your parental rights and paying child support are two separate issues. You will still have to support your child.

Can a father give up his parental rights without the consent of the mother and stop paying child support?

In general, parental rights are terminated either preparatory to an adoption, or after a trial in which it is determined that the parent is unfit. In any case, termination of parental rights does not, in itself, terminate child support.

Can you give up your rights to avoid fighting the ex wife over support?

No, voluntarily relinquishing your parental rights does not excuse you from paying child support.

Does a father have to stop paying support after relinquishing all parental rights in Connecticut?

Relinquishing parental rights does not terminate support; however, generally, adoption does.

What are the laws in the state of IL between paying support and visitation rights?


Does a man have parental rights if he does not pay child support and the child has a step dad that has been with him a lot longer than the real father?

Even if he is paying, he has no rights until court granted.

Mother sign over rights to her mother i am the dad and pay child support what are your rights?

If you mean, what are the Dad's rights, he has the right to continue paying child support and the right to visitation, both as established by the courts.

In Kentucky can father sign over parental rights without the mother agreeing?

If you are looking to sign over your parental rights in Kentucky, you need to contact the family courts that deal with child welfare. Signing over your rights should only be done in extreme situations and in most cases you are then required to pay child support to the state.