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relax it isn't all badmore than likely.this is referred to as being codependant...basically if you are constantly switching from one partner to another it means that you need someone else to tell you that you are doing well. I'm not a shrink but I'm gonna throw this idea out for you...spend some time getting to know what makes you tick, what makes you happy...then you will be better equipped to face life and love. Too many people try to define who they are by how other people look at them...this is not healthy, to truly be happy one must understand and embrace their own good and bad points...then you have a better chance of finding some one who is on the same wave length as you. and remember that being in a relationship isn't the be all and end all of life! there is a whole lot of good things that you can do that will enrich your personal life with out having to rely on someone else to be there and say that's cool!I hope this helps you bud!
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Q: If a person jumps out of one relationship into another one over and over again is this a sign that they have problems within themselves and can't be alone?
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