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No and yes. Generally, persistent thoughts about suicide (whether personalized or not) would be considered suicidal ideation. However, the issue becomes much more urgent if the thoughts are specific to a person ending his or her own life.


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No, it's not. Just because you think about suicide doesn't mean you want to commit suicide. I mean, if you think about joining the army a lot [sorry, I know it's a bad example] doesn't necessarily mean you want to be in the army. I think about that, too, but that doesn't mean I want to go kill myself. Share your thoughts with a close friend or something. Chances are, they've thought about it, too.


Suicide Ideation is a common feature of many mental health problems.

Suicidal Ideation (SI) refers to the thoughts about taking one's own life with some degree of intent. SI with some intent does not necessarily mean that a person is an imminent risk to self; further assessment is needed. It is imperative that all SI is taken seriously and explored to determine the level of risk. A professional clinician should assess the plan, motivation, and level of intent to determine the intervention needed, if any.

Yes and No.

Statistically speaking people who tell others about wanting to suicide, or take some pills then call an ambulance, generally most of the time just want help.

Most suicides of people actually dying, no one ever even new there was anything wrong, they just find them dead.

I think the point is that suicidal ideation is a symptom of a mental health issue that should be looked into. Most ppl might think about suicide but to ideate it means it is a persistant thought.

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Q: If a person thinks about suicide in the abstract but has no intention of committing suicide is that still considered 'suicidal ideation'?
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Does the police have the right to commit someone for attempted suicide?

In the state of Florida, they absolutely can. Suicidal Ideation, attempts, text messaging, any of it can be used to do an involuntary 72 hour Baker Act, I'm not familiar with other states laws, or if Baker Act is federal or not.

What are risk factors of people who commit suicide?

Generally accepted Risk indices for suicide include:Substance Abuse -- drugs, alcohol, etc. Under the influence now?History of substance abuse?Mental health issues -- history of depression. schizophrenia, etc.Accessibility to an effective means by which to commit suicide?History of prior suicide attempts.Mood Isolation?Rage affect?BPO indicators?Trapped? No way to escape their situation?Stressors -- recent events Loss of job, domicile, spouse, childAnniversary effects (Holidays, anniversary of an event, &c.)Chronic StressorsLong term pain -- physical, emotionalIncurable financial difficultyChronic physiological pathologyIt's hard for me to say if suicidal ideation is a risk factor or a symptom, but be mindful of it.

Can drugs make you commit suicide?

The basic answer is, No -- no drug commercially available either OTC or by prescription has the effect of making anyone who takes it want to commit suicide. However...Wanting to commit suicide is a complex situation, often involving psychological, neurological and pharmacological aspects, as well as environment, physical condition, etc. It's not ONE thing; it's many. And so, over time, there has been testing that points to an increase in suicides if certain drugs or drug combinations are taken by certain individuals (i.e. not Everyone).Starting or stopping some medications, including some antidepressants has been associated with an increase in suicide attempts in some studies, and with some individuals. Whether this is an actual trend, a statistical anomaly or testing mistake is unknown at this time. And why one person will experience a decrease in depression, and another an increase is also unknown.What we thing we've seen, in general terms, is as follows:Suicidal ideation may increase when the antidepressant is first administered.Suddenly stopping antidepressants (as opposed to tapering the dosage down) seems to increase the likelihood of suicide attempts, and should be avoided normally.Some meds designed to be taken in conjunction with another anti-depressant may increase suicidal ideation. This seems to be especially true in teens and young adults, as opposed to the 30+ crowd.Some antidepressents work great with some people but increase depression with others -- no known reason why this is.Some modern sleeping medication courses may correlate with an increase in suicide attempts, especially at the beginning of the course of medication. Again, this effect seems more pronounced with younger subjects ad often is not prescribed for under 18.Two ideas to leave you with: Depressed people have a greater incidence of suicide attempts, so testing for depression with the depressed is Very hard to do -- you can't tell if it's a medication or some other variable that's causing the effect you're observing. Second, if you're depressed or think you might be, be especially alert when changing medications (and not just antidepressants) -- Remember that an increase in depression may not be your self speaking, but may be a result of your medication.

If someone actually intended to commit suicide why would they tell people about it?

I don't even know if this question is still "fresh," but suicide is such a personal decision that it surprises me that someone would think the mind of the potentially suicidal is open to others. Two people may both feel suicidal (or have felt suicidal) without sharing the same motivations. And yet there may be recurring themes among the suicidal. Regardless the epidemiology of suicide, I hope we won't assume that one set of characteristics fits all suicidals. I agree with the posters who've intimated that suicide may be a response to overwhelming (and chronic) emotional pain. I also agree that sharing about suicide may be a way to see for oneself whether one's loved ones care--or rather how they care. I don't at all mean to imply the suicidal are manipulative. When I shared my suicidal ideation with those I love, they either told me they had to get on with their own lives, that I was bringing them down; or that it was my decision--that only I could decide to stay alive. And my partner at the time was a suicide hotline worker. We're social animals. Whom else are we going to turn to in our despair--especially those of us who aren't religious, other than one another. It's, at least to me, especially pitiful when those hurting so much they're deciding to end their lives reach out to their support network and find that the network is either too busy to care or sincerely disinterested. I think I'm new here. I suffer amnesia so I don't even remember who am sometimes. So I apologize if I don't observe protocols that everyone else does. Another reason I don't observe protocols is that I have the autism spectrum disorder, Asperger's Syndrome. Hence my reason for wanting to add my half-pennyworth to this answer as people with autism spectrum disorder are two and a half times as likely as normal people to die prematurely and those without developmental delays, such as like me, with Asperger's Syndrome, run a high risk that our premature deaths will be self induced - 28 times as high in childhood and 9 times as high in adulthood - I'm no exception - I had a horrendous history of suicide attempts in my childhood and a reduced history of them in my adulthood, but still a history. These trends are relatively well known in the autie / aspie community, so we rely a lot on self help by using the internet. Those of us who accept what we are and what this means have little difficulty in our internet community forums discussing suicide and if we are feeling suicidal. I used to belong to a society in the UK that was a haven for auties and aspies and accepted that premature death by suicide was our worst risk, and therefore taught suicide avoidance and prevention. My history of suicide attempts was so bizarre that I was asked to become an instructor of suicide avoidance and prevention at age 49, its chief instructor at 50 and its only instructor at 52. Anyone wishing help to avoid and prevent themselves from killing themselves is welcome to contact me by email if you can find my email address from my profile page in Answers.