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no it is not i would buy a knew test or see a doctor

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Q: If a pregnancy test shows nothing within 24 hours then changes is it accurate?
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Why does your nipples become sore or sensitive during pregnancy?

They become sore due to the changes going on within your breast - the production of milk.

How long does a pregnancy test take to show the results?

The pregnancy tests that can be bought for home use will show a result within five minutes. The test done by medical professionals is more accurate and that will give a result in a day.

Is an ultrasound more accurate in dating of pregnancy especially if you do not know your LMP?

Yes, During an ultra sound they measure the length of the baby, the limbs if visible, head circumference etc.. then calculate an expected delivery date. An ultrasound is accurate to within a couple of days if done at 8 weeks. At 20 weeks it is accurate to within a week. After this babies grow at such diffeerent rates that it becomes increasingly less accurate.

How long does it take to be pregnant before you can find out?

Within a day or so of the first missed day of your period. OTC eary pregnancy tests are affordable and very accurate.

When do the breasts start to increase in size during a pregnancy?

Hello, You may notice changes in your breasts within the first 2 months of pregnancy. As for there size increase, this usually occurs during & after the 4th month of pregnancy. ------------------------------------------------------------ Please note this is advice only & is not to be used in place of a Medical experts. ------------------------------------------------------------

When they do a sonogram can they know exactly when you got pregnant?

If the ultrasound is done in the first weeks of pregnancy it is possible to date the embryo within a few days, an ultra sound done later is not as accurate for dating purposes.

Is measuring the femur bone in an ultrasound an accurate way to give you an estimated time of conception?

The best person to ask is the person doing the ultrasound. Having said that here are a few guidelines. Ultrasounds can give you a fairly accurate time for the length of the pregnancy. Before 10 weeks the measurement taken is crown-rump length, from the top of the head to the bottom of the spine. This is accurate to within 3-4 days. After about 12 weeks several measurements are taken, head circumference, head diameter and abdominal diameter as well as femur length and the results are plotted on a graph to compare with the estimated length of pregnancy. The earlier the measurements are taken the more accurate they are in assessing the length of the pregnancy.

Your doctor says that an us is more accurate than lmp because a lot of woman don't remember their lmp and that you could ovulate at different times how true is this?

Women have cycles that are not all the same length but most women ovulate 14 days before a period is due. That is what makes the difference. At 7 weeks ultrasounds are accurate to within 3 days. At 20 weeks they are accurate within 5 days When I had my first pregnancy my cycle was 36 days which would mean my EDD would be 8 days early if my LMP was used, my US agreed with my cycle not my LMP. When I had my second pregnancy my cycle was 28 days and my ultrasound agreed with my LMP. So you are saying that the ultrasound is more accurate? Yes, the ultrasound is more accurate. I did go round the houses a bit to say it.

When do most woman get abortions?

In the first semester of pregnancy,within the first 12 weeks of the pregnancy cycle

Pregnancy test says not pregnant could you still be?

Possible if you took the test too early. I know the tests say you can tell within 5 days, but that isn't very accurate. Wait until you have missed your period and then do the test.

What term describes changes that occur within a species?

Evolution happens over a long period of time, so nothing suddenly changes. Unless you're talking about pokemon. I believe you're thinking of divergent evolution.

Can the changes in weather make you spot in between menstrual cycles?

No. Weather has nothing to do with spotting. Your period is dependent on hormones within your body. You may have a problem go see a doctor.