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Yes. Physical characteristics are determined by DNA contained in genes. Such characteristics as skin color, eye color, hair color, body type, personality, and many other characteristics are inherited from both the father and the mother. Just as it is possible for a blue-eyed parent and a brown-eyed parent to have a green-eyed child, it is possible for parents of various skin colors to have a child with various skin shades and colors.

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14y ago


In fact there have been several cases where a child with a black father and white mother has turned out to have only white genes. This is basically because the baby has inherited the mother's genes, and not the father's.

Hope that answers your question (:

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15y ago

In this country, if the baby has a drop of "color" in it.... the child is looked upon, treated as, and is considered to be black. Its called the one drop rule.

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12y ago

It can happen as a 'throwback' if ether black/white couple had any white/black ansestery in the past.

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13y ago

Yes, an albino baby or if the two parents have any white ancestry (could be a forgotten or distant bloodline), dormant genes from the parents could result in a white baby with blonde hair.

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Q: Can two white parents have a black child?
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What is a child of a black woman and white man?

It all depends on the genes of the two parents. The child would be bi-racial.

Can two white people make a black child?

It is possible to have a set of twins with one white child and one black child, if they are fraternal. Two eggs can be fertilized in rapid succession by fathers of different races, or the phenotype of one zygote is for light skin and the other for dark skin.

Can an African American female and a white male conceive a fully white child?

No, this is not possible. A biracial baby (one whose parents were from two different races) inherits the genes of both; so while the baby might be lighter skinned than a baby whose parents were both black, a child born from a black parent and a white parent will neither be fully black nor fully white-- that is why the term "biracial" has come into common use, since it reflects the influence of both parents' races.

Can a white mother and a mixed race father have a white child?

I'm trying to figure out exactly what you're asking here. Technically, if one of the parents is of mixed race, then the child is as well. Might the child have a noticeably darker complexion than either of its parents? Certainly. However, if the mother is very light in color, the father is white, and the child is extremely dark... I'd say a paternity test is possibly in order. Once the races are "mixed" there is no way to have a pure-blood child. The child gets its genes from both parents - the only way to have a "black" child would be from two pure "black" parents. Although if your family has lived in America for more than a few generations, you're not a pure "black" anyway because we are a country that interbreeds a lot between races. There are almost no pure races in America except those who just moved here.

Can caucasians have black children?

If the DADDY is black, yes other than that two WHITE parents can NEVER have a chocolated baby!

Can mixed babies be dark skinned?

The color or race of two parents does not gurantee that a child will be born with the same color or appearance as the parents. You cannot mix people like a crayon when it comes down to genetics. For example, usually when you mix black and white you get gray. But we are human beings. If you have a black parent and one white parent, the child may come out black. It may come out white looking, or it may come out tan or different shades in between. So, if you have two dark skin parents the child may come out dark skin or light skin or an in between color. Anyway, it doesn't matter. Just pray that your child comes out healthy and gorgeous because cuteness has nothing to do with color. I can show you an ugly baby within any race.

Can a white mother and black father produce a white child?

I'm trying to figure out exactly what you're asking here. Technically, if one of the parents is of mixed race, then the child is as well. Might the child have a noticeably darker complexion than either of its parents? Certainly. However, if the mother is very light in color, the father is white, and the child is extremely dark... I'd say a paternity test is possibly in order. Once the races are "mixed" there is no way to have a pure-blood child. The child gets its genes from both parents - the only way to have a "black" child would be from two pure "black" parents. Although if your family has lived in America for more than a few generations, you're not a pure "black" anyway because we are a country that interbreeds a lot between races. There are almost no pure races in America except those who just moved here.

Is it normal for two black cats to have white kittens?

It can very easily happen, because even though the kittens' parents are black, the grandparents or great-grandparents may have been white. This is because of gentics. There are two types of traits. Dominate and resscecive. in this case, black is the dominate cat color. Each parent passes on a gene to their kitten. If there is at least one of the dominante trait, the kitten will be black. the parents have to each pass an white gene for the kitten to be white. So say one of the grandparents are white. The white grandparent passes on a white gene, because that is all it has. The other one in this case would have passed on a black. This would make one of the parents black, but with a hidden white gene. The same with the grandparents on the other parents side. The parents now each have a hidden white gene. If they both pass the hidden white gene on to the kits, they while be white.

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Brindle is a recessive trait, so there isn't a certain combination that will guarantee brindle puppies. My puppy (black and white) has two black and white parents who had a litter of three black and whites, three reds and two brindle's!

Is it possible to a couple with a dark skin complexion to have a son with a fair skin?

It certainly is! Skin tone is the result of genetic material contributed from both mother and father. In turn the Mother and FAthers Genetic materials are contributed to by their parents. Most people have a very complex variety of genetic material in their genes which may be recessive (Present but not obvious based on their appearance or traits). If similar genetic traits are recessive in both parents this genetic material may show itself in the child. There are extreme cases colloquially called "Throw backs" where two parents who are black give birth to a white child or two white parents give birth to a black child. In one well publicised case (around five years ago) a white child was born to African American parents. The husband believed that his wife had not been faithful, however insisting she had been she demanded a paternity test. The test proved that her husband was the father. In a case last year (2010) a Nigerian couple gave birth to a white child.

Can to black people make a white baby?

It is possible if both of the black people have some white in their ancestry somewhere. if the two people are black it means black is dominant.. so i think its not possible Yes it is quite possible. According to the Mendellian priciples of inheritance it is quite possible for the offspring to be white even if both parents are black. Both parents would have to carry a specific white gene and both of these genes would have to be present in the new offspring if it were to be white.

Can a half black and half white baby look only white?

Blue eyes is a recessive trait. Two parents that do not have blue eyes can get children with blue eyes, provided that both parents have ancestors with the gene for blue eyes. None of the parents, or even their grandparents, need to have blue eyes themselves for this to happen. So certainly a person with one white and one black parent can have a blue-eyed child.