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Probate is going to be the only way to transfer title. Otherwise the title will not be considered valid.

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Q: If a will is not contested a mother dies owned a house and there is no contest as to what happens to the house is probation required in Texas?
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What happens when you contest a will?

It is only the entities who are involved in the Testator's life that can contest a will. When the will is contested, the due legal proceedings will have to be followed.

What happens if you are on probation and you get charged with 2nd degree burglary?

Then you're in violation of your probation. If you'd been released before you sentence was complete, you'll be required to serve out the remainder of your sentence, on top of whatever time you're sentenced on the burglary charges.

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When a person is placed on supervised probation, they may be required to submit to urine tests to check for illicit substances. If the urine test comes back positive for drugs or alcohol, probation may be revoked, and the probationer may be sent to serve their sentence in jail.

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Probation violation you will go to jail. An still owe on fines an still will be own probation

What happens if you dont go to probation revocation hearing?

If it was YOUR probation that was being discussed, you can pretty much bet that youir probation was probably revoked.

What happens if you miss your random probation drug testing?

You can be declared in violation of your probation and thrown back in jail.

What happens when you get a DUI and are on probation for a DUI?

That's a violation of your probation. Most likely 6 months in jail.

What happens when you get a charge while on probation?

You have violated your probation, which means you can go directly back to jail without any waiting period.

What happens when your on probation and you smoke weed?

you get taken off!

What happens to first time violators of felony probation in Arkansas?

Are you kidding? Breaking probation means that you end up serving your original sentence. Probation is not a is a requirement.

What happens if you skip state while on probation?

A Probation Violation Warrant will be issued. Your probation could get revoked and you could be sentenced to a term of incareration in jail or prison.

What happens when you get caught drinking on probation with a felony DUI?

You get sent back to prison, if "no drinking" was one of the terms of your probation.