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If your ex husband it hitting your child just tell the police they will talk care of all the confusing stuff and they might bring your ex husband to jail cause you broke up and he isn't in your family no more so he is like a stranger First of all, the above is a terrible answer. If social services knows that you are concerned for child abuse and hasn't done anything, it's probably because they can't. The laws are very specific as to what constitutes child abuse and what does not. If you feel that your child is in danger, you need to speak with your attorney and discuss going back to court to address the custody issue. You cannot "assume" full custody, or you would be in violation of the original court order. Call your attorney.

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Q: If i have shared custody and my ex's husband is hitting my child and i have made a child abuse complaint should i assume full custody and not let my child return there since the social services knows?
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You do IF this is written in the custody agreement. If it is not you do have other options. You can call Childrens Services and tell them what you suspect. This may cause complications with any good relationship you may have with your ex husband. You need to decide if the drug use while he has custody is worth the trouble. (It usually is) If anything this can be a wake up call for him.

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In Florida can an ex husband sue his ex wife for concealing his 7 year old child from him?

It is not clear from your question what you mean by conceal. Custody and visitation should have been addressed at the time of the divorce and he can file a complaint in the family court if she is violating any court orders. If she concealed the fact that he had a child then he should file a complaint to establish paternity as soon as possible. In either case, he should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues and is familiar with the court of jurisdiction.It is not clear from your question what you mean by conceal. Custody and visitation should have been addressed at the time of the divorce and he can file a complaint in the family court if she is violating any court orders. If she concealed the fact that he had a child then he should file a complaint to establish paternity as soon as possible. In either case, he should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues and is familiar with the court of jurisdiction.It is not clear from your question what you mean by conceal. Custody and visitation should have been addressed at the time of the divorce and he can file a complaint in the family court if she is violating any court orders. If she concealed the fact that he had a child then he should file a complaint to establish paternity as soon as possible. In either case, he should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues and is familiar with the court of jurisdiction.It is not clear from your question what you mean by conceal. Custody and visitation should have been addressed at the time of the divorce and he can file a complaint in the family court if she is violating any court orders. If she concealed the fact that he had a child then he should file a complaint to establish paternity as soon as possible. In either case, he should consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues and is familiar with the court of jurisdiction.

I am married but separated from my husband we have a 1 year old child and I have custody with no order What are your legal rights until you get a custody order you live in MN?

You now only have physical custody, but both you and your husband have equal custody rights to the child. That means he has a right to have physical custody too, and will not get into any trouble if he physically takes the child into his care. If you are afraid he might take the child, you will need to obtain a temporary custody order, signed by a judge, to make sure you become the custodial parent. That said, depending on your husband, the longer you have physical custody of the child, the more difficult it will be for your husband to obtain legal custody should you divorce.

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If the mother has sole physical custody and shares joint legal custody with the father the two never married if the mother dies can her husband who is not the baby's biological father assume custody?

No, unless the baby's biological father relenquishes his parental rights, he would get custody of the child if the mother dies, not her husband. The biological father must sign his rights away to the mother's husband.

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No. There is no privacy when you are married.

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If your husband has joint legal custody he can contest you moving the child form the state where you share custody

How can you divorce your illegal husband of 9 years and with children?

You divorce and get custody over your kids or just get full custody!

If you have full physical custody and half legal custody would it be abanndonment to give a note to your ex husband and leave the kids with him?

No, not if he is the other person that has legal custody.