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Q: If mutations did not occur would natural selection occur more rapidly?
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How does slow change over time occur genetically?

Through mutations in DNA, and natural selection of advantageous mutations.

What are the pressures of natural selection?

Everything from available food to climate will cause the changes we see in natural selection. Random mutations occur constantly and when those mutations are beneficial for life, the genetic code is more likely to be passed on to future generations.

Are new alleles made by natural selection?

No - natural selection does not create new alleles. Variation in alleles needs to exist in the population in order for natural selection to occur. Natural selection will involve the change in allele frequencies over time, but it does not create new alleles. New alleles are the result of mutations.

The highest rate of natural selection would probably occur when?

This would occur when organisms showing many genetic differences caused by mutations and genetic recombination reproduce in a changing environment.

Does natural selection occur in the world today?

Yes, natural selection is always occurring.

Why would natural selection not occur in this poplutation?

What population? Perhaps you mean if there were no variation for natural selection to select from.

What is the third step in natural selection?

There are really no steps in natural selection - just conditions required for it to occur.

Generally evolution by natural selection occurs quite slowly over?

Evolution through natural selection occurs slowly over millions of years. It has been hypothesized that evolution is the result of positive mutations that occur in a community of organisms that help them survive better. Evolution is essentially descent with modification.

How is genetic diversity important to the concept of natural selection?

Without genetic diversity, natural selection cannot occur

what causes natural selection to occur?

the presence of predators

If a population consists only of individuals cloned from a single organism then a Lamarck was right about species change for that populaiton b natural selection would not occur in that population?

Neither. Lamarckian evolution does not take place at all; almost all of his concepts are now known to be incorrect. The population will still undergo mutation, and natural selection for beneficial mutations and against harmful ones will still occur.

What conditions are necessary for populations to remain in hardy Weinberg equilibrium?

Mutation cannot occur