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Yes, it'll eventually turn

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Q: If one is 30 weeks pregnant and their baby is breech presentational will they turn eventually?
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What treatment exists for resolving a breech birth?

If a fetus is in the breech position in the last weeks of pregnancy, there are three possible courses of action: Cesarean section, attempted version, or vaginal breech delivery.

If you are three weeks pregnant with twins but the doctor saw only one heartbeat on the ultrasound and your hcg was 3045 will the other baby develop a heartbeat eventually?

Three weeks pregnant is a week before you miss a period so it is impossible to know it is twins. If you are three weeks after conception, (5 weeks pregnant)it is still early to see a heartbeat.

Im nearly 34 weeks pregnant and my baby is breech at what gestation would they consider giving me a cesarian?

This question is best answered by your obstetrician, who will consider your specific situation and better advise you about when/if a cesarian section is needed.

Should you be worried if you are 32 weeks pregnant and the baby is still in breech position?

Not at all. Most babies do not turn until they are closer to the big day. 2 of mine did not turn until the day before. I would not worry.

You are 36 weeks pregnant when did you get pregnant?

36 weeks ago.

When you are five months pregnant how many weeks are you?

when your five months pregnant how many weeks are you? when your five months pregnant how many weeks are you?

You are 6 weeks late on your period how many weeks pregnant are you?

Technically, 10 weeks pregnant.

How many weeks are frogs pregnant for?

frog are pregnant for 2-5 weeks.

What does it mean to be 22 weeks pregnant?

You have been pregnant for 22 weeks and should be delivering in approximately 17 weeks.

If you were 23 weeks pregnant on your ultrasound and went back 4 weeks later how many weeks should you be?

if you are 23 weeks pregnant , then go back 4 weeks later you should be 27 weeks pregnant. Almost 7 months.

If ultrasound said you were 4.5 weeks pregnant when did you get pregnant?

Around 2.5 weeks ago.