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Sue the mother for the refund.

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Q: If paid tuition for a child to go to school and then his mother did not take him The school promised a refund and didn't due to no legal detriment to support its promise to pay the tuition refund?
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If I am not eligible to apply to SAAS for support, where can I get support for my course? If you are ... eligible students are entitled to apply for help with their tuition fees and ... You can apply to us for a student loan to pay part or all of your fees If I am not eligible to apply to SAAS for support, where can I get support for my course? If you are ... eligible students are entitled to apply for help with their tuition fees and ... You can apply to us for a student loan to pay part or all of your fees

In NY State does the father still have to pay child support if the child is in boarding school and the parents are splitting tuition?

Yes, if you want the tuition pymnts to go towards your child support talk to your case worker at friend of the court.

Does a non custodial parent have to contribute to tuition along with child support?

It's not mandatory or automatic, but it is often included in the order for support.

In Indiana can I make my ex-husband help pay for our son's college tuition?

No. Outside of child support you cannot force him to help out with college tuition and fees. Although he must continue to pay child support until the child either graduates from college or stops attending.

Can payments that never made it to the payee be then used for the child's tuition?

If in reference to child support, only with the permission of the payee.

Does college tuition count as child support?

Child support must be paid as set forth in the child support order. In many cases, college tuition is addressed separately as per agreement or part of a court order. If it is not, the obligor cannot choose to pay some other expense and then deduct it from the amount owed for child support. The obligee must pay the child support amount to the custodial parent unless the parties have an agreement in writing that provides otherwise. You should review the child support order and any agreements that were entered by the court in your case.

When did tuition start for Catholic schools in Rhode Island?

Catholic schools have always required tuition. This used to be a pretty nominal sum for the children of parishioners, but as teaching sisters and brothers have thinned, and we have had to pay regular salaries to lay folk, tuition has risen right along with everything else. Part of the tuition was considered to be the families' regular Sunday contribution, and for this reason, tuition for non-parishioners was always higher. Some individual parishes have managed to keep tuition very low, if not non-existent, due to parish support of the school, and the labor of religious men and women.

What does the prepaid tuition covers?

Tuition and fees

Are loans available for career training schools in Canada?

Yes, as long as the school is part of a government-approved program, support is available for tuition repayment.

What happens to child support payments when also paying full college tuition?

Whatever the amount that is ordered for support is still valid unless the non custodial parent files for an amendment of the order. The issue of payment for education is a separate one from the matter of monetary support.

How much is the tuition at Villanova University?

Current tuition is about $52,000.

Is tuition a noun or verb?

The word 'tuition' is a noun, not a verb.Example: "She paid the tuition for her son."