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If playing by the strict rules of 21, the answer is yes. Then again, if you only need 2 to win, there's really no point in putting up a 3.

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Q: If playing a game of '21' using 2 pointers and 3 pointers do you go back to 11 points if you have 19 and make a 3 pointer?
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What is an array of pointers to pointers?

A pointer is a variable that stores value of address of a variable. Since a pointer itself is a variable, it is allocated a memory location.Pointer to pointer means a pointer which points to the address of a pointer. In other words a pointer to a pointer has the address of the address of a variable.We can have pointers to int, and pointers to char, and pointers to any structures we've defined, and in fact pointers to any type in C, it shouldn't come as too much of a surprise that we can have pointers to other pointers. If we're used to thinking about simple pointers, and to keeping clear in our minds the distinction between the pointer itself and what it points to, we should be able to think about pointers to pointers, too, although we'll now have to distinguish between the pointer, what it points to, and what the pointer that it points to points.

Pointer to 3 dimensons array?

If the array is static you can simply point at the first element. For dynamic arrays you can allocate a contiguous block to a single pointer which can then be subdivided using a one-dimensional array of pointer to pointers, each of which points to a one-dimensional array of pointers, each of which points to a separate object within the array. For extremely large arrays, however, it is better to split the elements into separate one-dimensional arrays, by creating a one-dimensional array of pointer to pointers first, then allocating each of those pointers to a separate one-dimensional array of pointers, each of which points to a separate one-dimensional array of objects. Either way, you must destroy all the individual arrays in the reverse order of creation.

What is pointers in oop?

A pointer is a programming language data type whose value refers directly to (or "points to") another value stored elsewhere in the computer memory using its address.

In pointers what is the use of pointer variable?

Pointer is a variable that stores the address of another variable . So pointer basically stores the address of another variable and size of pointer can be evaluated by using sizeof operator.

What are the operations that can be performed using a pointer expression?

a. adding and subtracting the integer values b. adding and subtracting the pointers c. incrementing and decrementing the pointers other than tis pointer operations include relational operations such as =,<,>.

Different types of pointers in c language?

... are usable. void pointer (generic pointer) : a special type of pointer which point to some data of no specific types. void *p; null pointer : a special type of pointer which point nowhere. it is usually used to check if a pointer is pointing to a null or free the pointer during deallocation of memory in dynamic memory allocation; it is define by using the predefine constant NULL int *p=NULL; wild pointer : uninitialized pointer. it hold a garbage value. i.e it is not pointing to any memory location yet. dangling pointer: pointer pointing to a destroyed variable. it usually happen during dynamic memory allocation when the object is destroyed but not free and the pointer is still pointing to the destroy object.

How many lazer pointers does it take to cach stuff on fire?

It strictly depends on the strength and power of the laser pointer/s that you are using.

What is smart pointer in C plus plus?

A smart pointer is a resource handle. There are three types of smart pointer: unique, shared and weak (std::unique_ptr, std::shared_ptr and std::weak_ptr, respectively). A unique pointer "owns" the resource it refers to and will destroy that resource when the pointer falls from scope. Unique pointers can be moved (transferring ownership between the pointers) but they cannot be copied. Aside from that, they behave exactly as a "naked" pointer would and incur no runtime overhead. Unique pointers are the ideal method of implementing RAII (resource acquisition is initialisation) because they provide the basic guarantee (no resource leaks). Shared and weak pointers work together to provide shared ownership. A shared pointer "owns" the shared resource while a weak pointer does not. In order to access the shared resource via a weak pointer, the weak pointer must first be converted to a shared pointer to assume temporary ownership. If the original shared pointer falls from scope during this time, the resource's lifetime is extended until the temporary shared pointer falls from scope. Weak pointers can also be used to break circular references between shared pointers. Although there is a runtime cost in using shared pointers, the cost is close to optimal compared with manual solutions using "naked" pointers, but with a much reduced maintenance burden. In multi-threaded applications, shared resources are often inevitable, but are best avoided whenever possible. However, writing lock-free code makes code difficult to maintain, thus shared pointers can often provide a convenient compromise.

What is pointer in java?

There is no concept similar to pointers in Java. Pointers are a feature in C programming using which a programmer can access the memory. This was the cause of major catastrophic programming bugs. The creators of Java excluded this feature just to avoid such catastrophic bugs.

Why are pointers needed in C programming?

pointer is used when we want to retain the change in values between the function calls. Similarly double pointer is used when we want to retain the change in pointers between the function calls. If you want to modify pointers than you need double pointer to retain the change.

What is pointer and pointer types and uses of pointer and the meaning of pointer?

The main advantages of using pointers are 1.) Function cannot return more than one value. But when the same function can modify many pointer variables and function as if it is returning more than one variable. 2.) In the case of arrays, we can decide the size of the array at runtime by allocating the necessary space. C has a minimum number of fundamental data types - a single character, a single integer or float, and a few derived data types such as a structure, an enumerated list, and an array. If you want to do much more than that, you make use of pointers. Pointers allow you to dynamically request memory to store off information for use later. They allow you to create linked lists and other algorithmically oriented data structures.

Are pointers inherited?

All elements of a class are inherited, including pointers. This includes methods such as constructors and destructors that manipulate the pointers. However, the question seems related to copying, instead of to inheritance... If you do not provide a copy constructor, the compiler will provide one, but that code will only copy the pointers - unless the pointers are some kind of smart pointer class, it will not copy the objects to which they point. This results in two pointers referring to one object. The danger is in what happens when one pointer is deleted, or in what happens when one pointer's object is modified. You have to decide how to handle mutability and ownership, the latter including who gets to execute the destructor or delete sequence for the pointer? One solution is reference pointers using smart pointer technology. The pointer/object itself has a reference count which is incremented each time an address of the object is taken, such as in copying a pointer. The reference count is decremented each time a pointer is deleted and, when it reaches zero, the object itself is deleted. You can also decide if executing a mutating operation results in a second copy of the object being made, or if you can tolerate having another pointer refer to an object that has changed. These techniques can balance cost of operation against protection against memory corruption, but they do come with their own cost for design, implementation, and testing.