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Actually you can take the vaccination if you are taking antibiotics unless you have a fever at the time. Fever is a sign that the infection, for which you were prescribed the antibiotics, is still being fought by your immune system. It is best not to overburden your immune system with vaccinations if it is actively fighting something else.

However, as soon as you are fever-free you can and should get the vaccination. The drug manufacturers indicate in the package inserts that there are no known drug interaction problems with the flu vaccines. Antibiotics would have no effect on the flu vaccine. See the related links section below for a link to more related information at the US site.

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Q: If taking antibiotics why shouldn't you get a flu vaccine?
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Can viruses be controlled by antibiotics or a vaccine?

Typically only the Flu Virus

What is wrong with people taking antibiotics to help the flu?

Antibiotics only treat bacterial infections. The flu is a virus. Thus it has no effect against it.

Which antibiotics can be taken with Tamiflu?

You shouldnt take antibiotics for a flu infection. Antibiotics only work against infections caused by bacteria, fungi and some parasites. They don't work against any infections caused by viruses. Viruses cause colds, the flu and most coughs and sore throats.

Can you get the flu shot while taking Flagyl?

There is no drug interaction problem between the flu vaccine and Flagyl. But whether you get the vaccination while still taking the antibiotic may depend on why you are taking antibiotics. If you have a current infection, it is usually better to wait until that is cleared up before taking vaccines. But, each situation can be different, and this is a question that the doctor who prescribed the antibiotics should be asked to know what is right in your case.Unless there is a specific reason your doctor wants you to wait, usually the only reason not to get a flu shot while taking antibiotics would be if you have an active infection with a high fever over 101 F. Get your flu shot unless you have a high fever, or the doctor recommends delaying the immunization due to your specific condition.

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Can flu vaccine be given at the same time as the varicella vaccine?

Yes, you can get flu vaccine and varicella vaccine at the same time.

You are taking amox-clav can you still get the flu shot?

Yes, you can still get the flu shot. The flu shot should not be gotten if you are currently ill, but if you are on antibiotics, it is OK to get.

Avian flu vaccine?

Q-pan is the approved vaccine for Avian Flu or H5N1.

Does taking antibiotics 2 days after getting flu shot cancel the vaccination?

No, it would not interfere in the development of immunity from the vaccination. Flu vaccinations are used to protect you from the flu which is caused by a virus. Antibiotics are used to kill bacteria that are already infecting you. Antibiotics do not do anything to viruses and a viral vaccination won't work for bacterial infections either. The germs are different and so the medications are too.

When can you stop flu shots?

The flu vaccine is recommended for children and the elderly but nobody is forced to get it. Whether or not to get a flu vaccine is a personal choice.

If flu vaccine is left out of refrigerator how long is it good for?

how long is flu vaccine good for if left out of the refrigerator

What is adverse effect of using antibiotics in treating flu?

Antibiotics will not help when you have flu because antibiotics only kill bacteria and influenza is caused by a virus, you would only end up with the side effec ts from taking medication you don't need when you are already unwell.