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Child support debt cannot be charged off in a bankruptcy.

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Q: If the child support is retro does it matter if the father file for bankrupt?
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Related questions

Can you file for child support if you live in Ireland and the father lives in England?

Yes, no matter where the father lives they should support their child no matter what!

Does a father have to pay child support before a support order is established?

As a matter of law, no. As a matter of morality, yes - but pay by check and memo them "child support."

If you are bankrupt do you still have to pay child support?

Child support is not discharged in bankruptcy.

Does a dad have to pay child support if he the dad is still in high school?

If you are a father, you have to pay child support if the court says so. The age of the father does not matter.

Do retired fathers have to pay child support?

if the child is still at the age to where child support is needed than it doesn't matter if the father is retired.

Your Fiance and his ex had a kid and she named it after her current boyfriend is he obligated to pay child support?

No matter what she named the child the father is responsible for child support.

Can a father ask for child support for 2 years his child was with him?

Yes. Whether a court will award it to him or not is a different matter.

What happens when a women accuses a man of being a father to her child and files child support paper through attorney general and the allegded father is out on business and misses the child support yo?

Hire an attorney to reopen the matter.

Will you still get child support payment if the father is on welfare?

Child support is calculated based on income of the father (or mother in such a case). If the father is unemployed his child support will still be calculated based on whatever minimum wage is in your state. The only time this does not apply is when the father is on disability. Welfare shouldn't matter.

Can you seek child support from father after 23 years?

In general, the courts will not initiate support for a 23-year-old child (past-due support, owed from when the child was a minor, is another matter), unless the child is severely handicapped.

Can you get child support if the father is incarcerated?

Can you get child support inArkansasif their father is incarcerated

How Can you fight child support as the paying father?

If you are the child's father then you really have little legal support to not support your child. Your child is legally entitled to your financial support.