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Reckless Driving "If the citation states 'followed another vehicle too close than is reasonable' is it considered as reckless? "

This is the traffic ticket description of the violation. You need to check the statute number on the ticket to determine the exact charge. You can do this by calling the DMV or doing an online search of the code of laws in your state.

Reckless is considered a very serious charge with the possibility of a license suspension or jail time in almost all states. Following too closely is a minor moving violation. Normally for the officer to charge you with reckless there would be more involved than just following too close. An example of reckless would be if you were speeding, weaving in and out of traffic and then hit someone in the rear.

The exceptions are the states like Virginia that have decided to make speeding an automatic reckless violation if you exceed certain limits. In Virginia reckless is speeding 20mph over the speed limit or any speeding over 80mph.


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Q: If the citation states 'followed another vehicle too close than is reasonable' is it considered as reckless?
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