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I do believe that any father/mother convicted of a felony in which a life sentence was enacted forfiets their parental rights. You may petition the court to file the necessary paperwork. As with any other issue, the ultimate decision lies with the court however; the fact that the parent will have no day to day influence on the child and will be unable to sustain a parent/child relationship, the court will more than likely relinquish any parental rights.

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depends on the rights of which you refer i.e custodial then no, visitation rights may be appealed for to the correct deparmental bodies

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Yes, depending on the reason he's there.

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Q: If the father is locked up for life does he have any parental rights?
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Yes. She can petition to terminate the father's parental rights. The court will render a decision after reviewing the evidence presented.

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A father has no prenatal rights. However, you may terminate his parental rights via court order if he has been absent from the child's life for a specific period of time as outlined by your state's laws.

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Parental rights is not quite what people think it to be. In order for someone to lose parental rights, they either have to sign them away, or they are taken away by a Judge when the other parent is a very bad, very nasty, horrifying human being. Otherwise, for the rest of your child's life, both parents have rights to their children.

Would I be able to see my children after signing off my parental rights?

That depends on the legal guardians or adoptive parents who may not want you to complicate their life. Once you "sign off" your parental rights you have no rights regarding the children. TheThat depends on the legal guardians or adoptive parents who may not want you to complicate their life. Once you "sign off" your parental rights you have no rights regarding the children. TheThat depends on the legal guardians or adoptive parents who may not want you to complicate their life. Once you "sign off" your parental rights you have no rights regarding the children. TheThat depends on the legal guardians or adoptive parents who may not want you to complicate their life. Once you "sign off" your parental rights you have no rights regarding the children. The

Can a mom revoke the parental rights of an abusive father who's always in jail who has been in jail almost 10 years of the child's life?

The mother can petition the court to remove the rights, but she can't do it without a court order.

Our Son is getting out of prison Mar 5th. James has been in and out for 14 years of his life. He has a son 3 years old that he has never met.Mason has a great Step Father. Need help for both fathers.?

Help with what? If James goes to court he can get his parental rights and get visitation. The step father have no parental rights unless he adopts him. It's perfectly fine if the boy have access to both.

How does a father looses parental rights?

A father can voluntarily sign over his parental rights, provided it is approved by the courts AND the mother, provided she's not collecting Welfare, now or in the future. When she collects AFDC, she gives up any right to claim, or not claim, child support. (see related question) If these conditions are met, he's not liable for paying child support to the child, or to free that child for adoption. He can loose his parental rights is he lives a life that would be detrimental to a child. States are now, more and more often, taking into account what is best for the CHILD. So, the behavior of the parents can have more of an effect on their parental rights. If the parent's behavior is chronically bad - drug dealing, crime, that sort of thing, they are much more likely to loose parental rights.

How does the father who has never seen the child and is paying child support give up his parental rights?

He can give up paternal rights, but he will still have to pay child support. * File a voluntary relinquishment of parental rights petition in the appropriate state court in the county of residence. The judge will decide if the TPR is to be granted and if so to what extent. If the judge feels it is in the best interest of the child for the father to be removed from his or her life then child support obligations can also be terminated.

Can a father give up his parental rights if he has had ongoing life-threatening problems with his ex-wife in the attempt of being in the children's lives?

It is possible in your case, but will require your lawyer and the court process.

Can a father sign over parental rights to mother even if they are not legally married?

In many states, you can voluntarily terminate your parental rights, but in doing so, that does not absolve you of certain parental responsibilities, such as child support. All it does is strip you of any physical presence or decision making in your child's life. If you're going to be paying support anyway, why would you want to do that? Children need both of their parents.