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Your fundal size is just the size of your uterus measured from your pelvic bone. It is just an estimate for when you cannot actually "see" the baby. You increase your fundus size in a measured proportion. It just means that your measurement is bigger than expected for your gestational size. You could be carrying a lot of fluid or it could be a big baby (or twins!). There is nothing to worry about!

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Q: If the fundus measures bigger than gestational weeks what does this mean?
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What does it mean if your fundus measurement is higher than the number of weeks you are?

Hi! I'm currently 29 weeks pregnant, according to my LMP (and ultrasound). But when I saw my doctor today, she told me my fundus measurement was slightly larger than 29 weeks. (It actually measured about 30 to 31 weeks.) She told me that sometimes the measurement can be larger or smaller depending on the baby's position. !!! RAJordan

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not necessarily, it just means that you are early and the gestational sac is the bag of waters the baby grows inside of. Never heard of that leading to miscarriage. As you get bigger, the bag will expand too. Hope this helped!!

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