

Best Answer

A ball the size of the Sun would have 1.3 million times the volume of the Earth,

using an approximation of the Sun's diameter based on the outer photosphere and the equatorial bulge.

Fitting Earth-size spheres into a Sun-sized sphere would leave a lot of empty space between Earths, but the actual comparison of volumes is the most salient fact.

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Q: If the sun was a hollow ball how many Earths could fit inside of it?
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Nothing. It isn't hollow.

What is a table tennis ball?

A sealed pocket of Air is inside the hollow center of a table tennis ball.

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I think they said 11 or 12. More than 11 or 12, I should think. I remember from an episode of Tennessee Tuxedo that about 50 of Luna (earth's moon) would fit inside a hollow earth, and I think Pluto is smaller than earth's moon.

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Hollow point bullets literally have a hollow point, and ball ammo does not.