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Emancipation deals only with the child's ability to care for themselves and whether or not they are capable of functioning and being treated as an adult.

The parents and home life are mostly unimportant.

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Q: If there is no child abuse is it easy to get emancipated in California?
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Why did abuse in children start?

in my personal opinon, i think the reason abuse started among children is because their easy, their vulnerable and as the absuser being an adult or older child, they will believe anything you say. they believe that is they tell, it will only get worse. and the reason adults abuse their children, in any form or shape, i think is because not that they hate the child, but because, they have their own personal issues, that they take out in the child because their an easy target.

Can you get emancipated from your 14 yr old in cali?

In California, a minor must be at least 14 years old to petition the court for emancipation. However, the minor must meet certain criteria, such as being able to financially support themselves and demonstrate the ability to live independently. Each case is evaluated individually by the court.

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Not without the authority of the court. Such an all encompassing authority is easy to abuse.

How can a sixteen year old become emancipated as quick and easy as possible?

The only way is to petition the court.

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It's NOT easy!

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Where are Fresh and Easy Corporate office located? El Segundo California

How can an effective and easy to use complaints procedure can help to reduce likelihood of abuse?

It can help reduce the likelihood of abuse as it provides an easy and less stressful way for an individual to report the abuse and is more likely to come forward and speke up. Also provides an effective method for social care worker to report any problems so abuse can be prevented from happening.

Does the father still get parenting time when he has a protective order on him?

Yes, unlike mothers, a man who has been "accused" of abuse, even in those few cases that are true, abuse the child in just 8% of the cases, as compared to 55% for mothers. Restraining orders are easy to get and costly to defend, as David Letterman learned. see link

Are parents of a pregnant teenage child still have to pa child support for that child in the state of pa?

In the state of PA if a pregnant teenage child is NOT emancipated either by a judge or a state agency (if the child does not require state/federal assistance); then they are still responsible for child support. It's actually not as easy as one might believe to relinquish parental rights in PA. In fact, these scenarios could actually occur, and HAVE occurred: 1. If the non-custodial parent is providing child support for a pregnant teenager, then they are still liable for the child support until: a.) child is emancipated by judge state agency b.) child graduates HS and reaches majority at age 18 (whichever is the latter.) c.) custodial parent marries, non-custodial signs over rights, and new husband adopts child. 2. If the non-custodial parent is providing child support to a child that gets someone else pregnant, they could ALSO be financially obligated to provide support to their grandchild if the mother of said grandchild requires state/federal assistance until their son: a) gets emancipated by judge or state agency b.) graduates HS or reaches majority (whichever is the latter.) c.) custodial parent marries, non-custodial signs over rights, and new husband adopts child.

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Not easy for grown people but easy to a child

Does kristen stewert have a child?

No, she does not but it's easy to think about her having a child.