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Q: If vaginal discharge stops at the 10th week of pregnancy does this indicate a potential problem?
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Is it normal to have discharge during pregnancy that causes holes in panties?

Suggest you go see a doctor with that problem. Or change your brand of panties.

What does dark brown almost black discharge mean?

Dark brown vaginal discharge could indicate a viral lesion, a infertility risk factor, to include HPV plantar wart viruses. Significant changes in color and odor of vaginal fluids may indicate infections or fetal developmental problems if a woman is pregnant. Slight spotting is possible during the early pregnancy and is considered quite normal. Dark brown vaginal discharge could indicate a viral lesion, a infertility risk factor, to include HPV plantar wart viruses. I don't know if this helped you or not. I suggest going to your doctor and ask him or her about it. Don't be shy about it either because you aren't the only one that has had this problem before. Trust me. If you don't ask your doctor about it, whatever you have that is causing this colored discharge could get seriously worse. Get some help immediately.

Is 'potential problem' is a correct phrase?

Yes, the term means that something has the potential to become a problem. The word 'potential' can be a noun or an adjective. In this term, the word 'potential' is an adjective describing the noun 'problem'.

Should rich countries do anything about this potential problem?

Ahhh . . . exactly what potential problem?

Can spider-burst veins indicate a medical problem?

They are frequently associated with pregnancy and there may be hormonal factors associated with their development. They are primarily of cosmetic concern and do not present any medical concerns.

Is statistics a solution of your problem or means to indicate problem?

It is a solution.

Is it take time to get pregnant if you have a white discharge problem?

I'm not sure what you mean by "problem" but typically cervical discharge during ovulation has an "egg-white" consistency.

What symptoms indicate a problem in pregnancy?

Breast enlargement, stomach enlargement, morning sickness (vomiting).

How do Pregnancy beliefs lead to pregnancy complication?

Pregnancy Beliefs are you thinking you are pregnant, pregnancy complications, is you have a problem with pregnancy.... is there as similarity? Anyways, a teen could be think she is pregnant, she will get scared, start to worry. This is the only problem I see...

Is light brown discharge twice yesterday when you wiped 8 weeks pregnant is this normal?

When you have any color discharge out of the norm during your pregnancy, you should seek the advice of your physician. You are 8 weeks pregnant; therefore, the earlier your seek assistance in the matter, the sooner the problem can be resolved. Best of luck to you and new baby.

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What is problem and solution?

Describes a problem and relays a potential solutions.