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Yes That Is very tall even for an Adult.

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Q: If you're 14 and 6 feet 8 inches tall is that above average?
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If your 14 and 5 feet 7 inches tall is that above average?

I think that's around the average, but it may be a bit above it.

Why are the Maldives liable to flooding?

The highest point on the Maldives is 7 feet 10 inches above sea level, with an average elevation of 4 feet 11 inches.

How tall was Thomas Edison?

Thomas Edison was 5 feet 10 inches tall. This was above average height, particularly for his time.

How many feet is 81 inches?

81 inches is 6 feet and 9 inches. That is the approximate height of an average house door

What is the average height of a 5th grade girl?

between four feet and nine inches & five feet and four inches

Is 6ft above average for a 15 year old male?

6 feet tall is above average for any male, regardless of age. The average height of a North American adult male is around 5 foot 8 inches tall. That does not mean you are abnormal in any way, it just means you are above average.

How many feet is an average 10 year old?

51 inches...... 4 feet 3 inches

How many feet is London above sea level?

78 feet and 8.88 inches

How tall is an elephant in inches?

It depends on the type of elephant! A male savanna elephant can grow up to 13 feet, or 156 inches. The average height of a female savanna elephant is 9 feet, or 108 inches. Their ears average 60 inches (5 feet) in length and 48 inches (4 feet) in width. A male forest elephant can reach about 96 inches, or 8 feet, and the females are somewhat smaller. Male Asian elephants stand about 84-138 inches (7-11.5 feet), while their female counterparts reach an average height of 93.6 inches (7.8 feet). Average ear measurements are: 30 inches (2.5 feet) in length, and 24 inches (2 feet) in width.

What is average height of a man?

69.2 inches 5 feet 9.2 inches

What is the average weight for 5 feet 9 34 inches?

What is the average weight for 5 feet 9 3/4 inches? IT IS 164 1/2 POUNDS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Average height for everyone in the world?

for a man 5 feet 9.2 inches and for a women 5 feet 3.8 inches