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Examinations are considered to be one of the most stressful experiences in our lives, so it is not shocking to nte their appearance in our dreams, even years after exams were taken. When you have one of these dreams, take a look at your waking life and ask yourself, what is making you feel the same kind of stress and anxiety that you felt or feel when sitting for an exam? If you are not prepared for the exam in your dream, what situation in your waking life have you not prepared for? ? Or, is there anything in your life right now that you feel is "testing you"?

If you have a dream where you arrive late for an exam, or you cannot find the location of the exam room, this is quite a common nightmare and can occur at any time in your life not just for people who are sitting exams regularly. This means there is some test in your waking life, something testing you and challenging your capability to perform well. This comes from the innate feeling that one needs to achieve and compete.

Perhaps you perform well in an exam? This may occur when the dreamer feels successful in endevors in waking life. Not limited to exams, the dreamer may visualize themselves excelling at a chosen sport or profession. Quite often people master certain activities once they have successfully performed them in their dreams.

Psychologist David Fontana believes that dream examinations may stand for success and failure in any area of our personal or professional life. Failure in a dream test can be a highly uncomfortable experience, encouraging the dreamer to face up to shortcomings that he or she may otherwise have been unwilling to see.

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Q: If you're about to write a exam in a dream or writing a exam in a dream what does that mean?
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