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depends. if you are making more than 60 percent of your wages then no.

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Q: If you're off work due to an on the job work related injury and your employer finds you a light duty job do you still draw workman's comp or is it decreased by what you earn at your light duty job?
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Is the employer liable to pay workmans comp to employees who worked under the table?

Yes - even in the absence of a workers comp policy, the employer is responsible for a work related injury

What is the time limit in PA for submitting the employers and or physicians report on an industrial accident workmans compensation?

An accident report required by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry to be completed by the employer is to be done within 15 days of the date in injury. The employee has 120 days to provide notice of the work related injury to the employer. The doctor has to file the LIBC-9 when he wants to be paid.

Can you sew a company while on workmans comp?

If you mean "sue" your employer for your injury while receiviung WC benefits, then the answer is NEVER. The WC benefit you receive is all you will ever get, and no lawsuit is possible, even if employer negligence is clear.

Does workmans comp cover hernias?

Was it an on the job injury?

If an employee experiences a work-related injury what should heshe?

Report the injury to the employer and seek treatment promptly

If an employee experiences a work-related injury what should heshe do?

Report the injury to the employer and seek treatment promptly

If an employee experiences a work related injury what should heshe do?

Report the injury to the employer and seek treatment promptly

If an employee experience a work-related injury what should heshe do?

Report the injury to the employer and seek treatment promptly

how i get pay for my medications for workmans comp?

Your injury is work related, so your H.R. manager, or benefits adminstrator will be able to guide you through the proper procedures.

Do you have to reimburse your employer for workman's comp after you are back to work?

If it was a legitimate workplace injury and you didn't commit fraud, the money is yours. It's not a loan. The idea behind workmans comp is that if you're injured on the job you still get part of your paycheck instead of suing the company for injury.

Can you claim workmans comp on corpal tunnel and neck injury due to work if you have been going to the doc on it already to try to fix it without claiming and then you done all you can do but surgery?

If you can demonstrate the injury to be work related, then you can claim it.

What is a nursing diagnosis for SVT?

Risk for decreased cardiac output related to altered electrical conduction Ineffective tissue perfusion: cerebral related to interruption of cerebral arterial flow secondary to decreased cardiac output Anxiety related to change in health status Ineffective health maintenance Risk for injury