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You can only get emancipated if you can fully support yourself, and your child.

Requirements for emancipation vary by state, but typically a minor who seeks a court order of emancipation must prove that:

  1. The minor is a certain minimum age or older.
  2. They willingly want to live separate and apart from their parents with the consent or acquiescence of the parents. (The parents do not object to the minor living apart from them.)
  3. The minor can manage their own finances.
  4. The minor has a source of income that does not come from any illegal activity.
  5. Emancipation would not be contrary to the minor's best interests; it is good for them.

Judging by the fact that you are an unwed 15 year pregnant teenager, i'd just stick it out at home until your 18, or can get married TO THE RIGHT GUY.

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Q: If you are 15 and pregnant in Mississippi can you get emancipated?
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Is a pregnant minor considered emancipated in the state of Mississippi?

Being pregnant does not change one's age. Until you are an adult, you are not emancipated.

Does a pregnant 15 yr old in Oklahoma need to be emancipated?

There is no requirement that they be emancipated. Until they are 18 they remain the responsibility of the parents.

Can you get emancipated at 15 in Oregon if you are pregnant?

Pregnancy does not make one emancipated. In Oregon you must be at least 16 to apply for emancipation.

Is a child emancipated at age 15 if he is charged with a felony in Mississippi?

Being charged with a crime does not make him an adult.

What age do you have to be to get emancipated in the State of Mississippi?

There is no emacipation status in Mississippi.

In NC are you emancipated from your parents when you become pregnant?

No, not in any state are you emancipated because you are pregnant or had a baby.

If you are 15 years old and pregnant is it easier to get emancipated?

No because the judge will tell you that you need your parents help.

Can you get emancipated if im 15 and pregnant?

It will depend on the laws of the state in question. Many states require you to be at least 16.

When pregnant are you lawfully emancipated?


Can you be emancipated at age 15 with child?

{| |- | No, it isn't likely. Being a parent, or being pregnant, has no bearing on your ability to support yourself and your child. Only about half the states allow you to get emancipated. Of those most require you to be at least 16 to get emancipated. |}

Are you considered emancipated if you are 15 and pregnant and your grandparents have custody?

{| |- | No you are not emancipated just because you are pregnant. Being a parent under the age of majority does not change that. However, the minor does have rights when it comes to the child and should contact social services in their community to discuss their options. |}

What is the youngest age in which you can get emancipated in the state of Mississippi?

Mississippi Sorry, there is no emancipation status in this state.