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the first sign is a missed period,Breast tenderness, Nausea and Morning Sickness,Frequent Urination,Spotting,and Fatigue

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Q: If you are a few days late and you think you may be pregnant what symptoms should you be expecting?
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You think you are pregnant but you havent had any symptoms what should you do?

Take a test

I have symptoms but Im not sure if Im pregnant because of getting off depo recently What should you do?

If you think you're pregnant, take a pregnancy test.

Can the feeling of being pregnant be all in your head?

your body can give you signs or symptoms of being pregnant when in actuality you are not pregnant. there have been occurences where an embryonic sac develops in the uterus without the presence of an embryo, and the body will then also give the symptoms of being pregnant. an individual should have an examination done by a physician to determine whether or not they are pregnant. at times there may be other concerns that should be taken care of that also give signs or symptoms of pregnancy.

If you think you're pregnant because of your symptoms but you don't really want to know what should you do?

If you do nothing still one day you will know.

Should you meet your ex if he is married and his wife is expecting a child?

== == NO............. Think about it!!!!!!!!!!!

You are getting headaches heartburn flaky nipples light headed feeling dizzy gettng white dischrge are your pregnant with all these symptoms?

You don't have to be pregnant with all of these symptoms, I have these symptoms a lot and I am not pregnant. It's very normal for me but I have some other problems. Consult your doctor if you think your pregnant.

Which car should i buy i am expecting twins?

if i was expecting twins i would buy a mini van that would be the best car i think.

Do people who arent pregnant and that want to be have the same symptoms a pregnant woman does?

No,Unless you had a historical pregnancy(Where you think you pregnant but not;Usually happens when you're desperate for a baby)But if you think you're pregnant take a test.

What should you do if you're not supposed to have your period for another week and a half but everthing in your mind tells you you are pregnant?

Relax.If you have it in your mind that you might be pregnant then you might miss your period ,and you mind might make you think you have the symptoms of being pregnant. Go to

Do guys have symptoms of pregnancy?

If I am correct, men can get what they think are symptoms of pregnancy, but really they are just worried about there pregnant girlfriend or wife or partner... But literally, men can not get real symptoms of being pregnant because they are not female. hope this helped!!

Why would a woman experience pregnancy symptoms if shes not pregnant?

because birth control can make you think you're pregnant.

If I just had my daughter 5 months ago and I think I am pregnant again what symptoms should I watch for and how soon will I know that I am pregnant again?

You can take a home pregnancy test 14 to 16 days after having unprotected sex or you could see your Dr. The symptoms could be similar as your first pregnancy.