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yes, but in Kansas you can marry at fifteen and at least that might go in your favor at court ... If the relationship is accepted, then you needn't worry. If the legal gaurdian gets angry that your minor girlfriend is pregnant, then you can be charged and end up in jail for "statitory rape." It is a good idea to get on this parent's good side and do whatever they tell you. If they insist that you and your girl give this baby up for adoption so another couple can give it a good life, you should consider it for the child's sake and your own. Yes, you can still be taken to court. Although her parents accepted you as her boyfriend, legally it is still considered statiotory rape and is illegal. If her parents or legal guardians accept you, then they should not need to bring you to court, but if she is pregnant, they do have the right to take you and you could serve jail time or other consequences that occur for that inncodent. Good luck kid. It is irrelevant if the legal guardian gives permission for the relationship or not, neither guardians nor parents can circumvent the law. The 18-year old in most states is considered a legal adult, the 15-year old in all states is a minor. Authorities do not need the co-operation of the minor nor the minor's parents or guardian to charge and prosecute the adult involved in the relationship. The consequences depend upon several factors, although a charge of statutory rape is possible it is not likely, especially when there is a pregnancy involved. All states have many laws pertaining to such relationships and can, if authorities so choose enforce those laws against the adult to the full extent allowed by law. This does not pertain specifically to the situation cited, but is for general information. Many young adults have found themselves in serious legal trouble due to the fact that the minor has been coerced into claiming the sex was not consensual or perhaps the minor will make such a claim for reasons of their own. It would be in the best interest of both parties to give serious thought to the dynamics and consequences of any such relationship.

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Q: If you are an 18-year-old male whose relationship with a 15-year-old female is accepted by her legal guardian and you get her pregnant can you be taken to court and if so what are the consequences?
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