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I don't know what a perc card is, but contact the State's child support agency about working out a payment plan. Contact the courts about getting your child support order modified.

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Q: If you are behind on your child support is there anyway to renew your perc card if you can't get a job without it?
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Catch up on your child support payments.

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No, the state will take it for back child support. If you are not behind in your support payments, you might get the refund.

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Child support has first take with any moneys that you get. If you are behind in child support, they will take their percentage out of any money you get.

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I suggest you contact your State's child support agency. Be polite but persistent. Good luck!

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They can only do so if the child is a qualifying child or relative anyway...and they provided the support.

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No $2500 limit

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The only way would be to do a personal agreement between the mother & father, ideally having it filed with the court. However, at any time, either parent can utilize Child Support without the other parent's consent. If the Mother spends more time with the child than the Father, she is most likely entitled to child support.

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The obligee would have to convince a judge that such action would be in the best interest of the child.

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No. Visitation and child support are 2 separate issues and the child (although now adult) does not have to see the parent. The parent is always obligated to support the child anyway. Child support usually stops from age 18 though but in some states it can be prolonged when the child is in college.