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You shouldn't be having sex when you are dilated and or after 9 months pregnant. It could be dangerous to the unborn child. As for your question, It probably could bring on labor.

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Q: If you are dilated or effaced will sex make you go into labor?
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You are 100 effaced and 1 cm dilated how much longer do you think it could be or can i do anything to speed up the process?

If the cervix is 100% effaced and one centimeter dilated, it means that the cervix is completely thinned out but dilation is not that much. The baby will come when he is ready, but some women walk or have sex in an attempt to bring on labor.

If I am 37 weeks pregnant 1 Cm dilated 1 thick with my 2 child what could I do to induce my labor?

They say having sex helps , a lot of walking helps. you can talk to your Dr. he/she can set up a date to induce.

I am 35 weeks and not dilated should I try to induce labor?

No, full term is not until 37 weeks. after that, taking long walks, helps the baby move down, or having sex, always take water w/you if you are out walking. Ask your Dr about getting induced.

How to make labor come tonight?

A good foot rub and sex could definitely trigger labor or long walk spicy food can't hurt. Having an orgasm with sex has been known to help and nipple stimulation believe it or not

Is it normal to have pinkish discharge after intercourse?

If you have just started having sex,yes.Or if it was rough,maybe.

How can you make yourself go into labor when youre cervix is high?

The ways to try to start labor is sex, walks and spicy food according to the doctor. The cervix will never be touched when you make these attempts yourself. That would be dangerous.

38 weeks 1cm dilated what can you do to move things along email perfect innocent

Theres lots of wise tales. What has worked for me is a good foot massage as there are known pressure points in the foot that can trigger labor. I just had my daughter 2 years ago and I had a foot rub at 11pm and was in active labor by 10 am the next morning. Sex can trigger labor especially with an orgasm. The wisetales are spicy food and a good walk.

If I am 38 weeks 2cm dilated 80 percent effaced baby's head is engaged I am nauseated and have been having loose stools for the past few days How much longer till I go into labor?

I am 39 weeks and 3 days Im a good 2.5 cm and 80 percent effaced. your baby could come in a day or 10 all comes down to when baby wants to come he/she will come. you could dialate from a 2 to 5 over night.....or you could be a 2 for 2 more weeks...there is no way of telling. Your best bet to help you along the way is sex. Seamen has patosin in it which is the same thing doctors use to induce labor. but of course its a much smaller dose. Also walking helps because while your up walking around gravity is pulling the baby down further and further! be patient!!! and know your baby cant stay in there forever!!!!=) it'll be soon! Seman has prostoglandins in it which is what is used in the hospital to soften/ripen your cervix. Your cervix is normally a solid muscular structure. When your cervix starts to soften(ripen), elongate, and thin, this is effacement. Pitocin is the synthetic form of your body's natural hormone called oxytocin which is released from the brain in response to certain triggers, such as nipple stimulation. Pitocin is used to initiate contractions in the uterus to induce labor. I am pregnant with my first, and I am 36 weeks + 5 days, just had an appointment this moring, and I am 2cm dilated, and 50% effaced and my midwife told me that I probably wouldn't make it to my next appointment or my due date. I am going to physically prepare for an early delivery, but am mentally shooting for my due date. Babies come when babies want to come. You can help yourself by staying active unless your doctor says otherwise, and of course having sex with your honey.

What do you drink to bring on labor?


Sex during labor?

I dont think so

What are some home remedies to make labor begin?

my mum and her friends say: dancing eating curry (not too hot though) sex

You are 35 weeks and you almost went into labor but the doctor stop your labor can sex put you into labor if you are 1 cm dialated?

Yes. Very much so! I would definitely check with your doctor and hold off on sex.