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If you are able to go vacating , then it maybe looked at that you can work.

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Q: If you are not working and collecting workman's comp can you go away on vacation?
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Complete the question and answer?

Completing the Q and A is an away of collecting data.

Which is the correct grammar to 'go on vacation' or 'go on a vacation'?

"go on vacation" means that that is what you are doing - vacationing (as opposed to working or whatever). "go on a vacation" makes the vacation an entity (like an object) - you have gone, you will be away for some time, and then you will come back. (However, it could mean, particularly, that there is a some particular tourist trip organised by a travel agent, or that one had been wanting to visit (say) Spain and had gone to Spain, or whatever… and it was a vacation.) It is not that either is incorrect.

What is a vacation?

ANSWER: Sweetie your question is not about cheating. but if you must know, vacation is where people, family spent time together away from home, without working on regular hour. It can also be some planning of just being away with the person you love without stress of your short its a little R & R. Vacation means to take a break from your usual routine, especially by getting away from home. For some people it is just time off to relax, for others it means traveling to a special destination.

Should kids go to school everyday and not have a vacation?

No it would take away freedom in childhood to take away vacation and time for family's to gather and bond.

Where would you like to go on vacation and why?

To get away for my kids

What is so bad about working as an airport parking attendant?

As a airport parking attendant, one can be blamed for many scratches that may occur to the car while the owner of the car is away on vacation or business.

How do you get away from a man?

run! or take a vacation bye yourself

Where can one find vacation rentals in Taos?

There are a number of websites that offer vacation rentals in Taos, New Mexico. These include Home Away, Vacation Rentals, Taos Vacation Homes and Trip Advisor.

Can you offer a couple of ideas for an all inclusive vacation away from water?

There are many vacation ideas away from water. Some are visiting natural reserves and national parks, amusement parks such as Six Flags, and a vacation to Disneyland is always a good idea for a family.

What is the picking up and carrying away of the pieces called?

Rock, mineral or fossil collecting.

How long can you take vacation away from puppy?

You cannot leave a puppy while you go off on any length vacation. Even a weekend away is animal cruelty. Get someone to take the dog for you.

How do you get your paper held while you are away?

How do you get the paper held while you are on vacation